Personal Message

Okay, so I love this site because I feel deprived of my inner asian living in the United States. Don't misunderstand: I am unfortunately not Asian in any way other than in my heart. You know how people always say "Oh, I should have been born in a different time period" ????? Well that's what it is like for me, except it's more like "Oh, I should have been born in South Korea."

About Me

Sooooooooo, there isn't much really there to know about me. I suppose that i could come up with a few things but I'm just too lazy. Wait! there's one! Yeah, I guess you could call me lazy, but I just don't really feel like digging deep into my soul and laying out what makes me me right now. 

Most of the basics are up in my info: I'm a girl, I'm from the US, and I'm really not that interesting. 

I'm friendly and like to talk to people so I really love getting messages and friend requests. Also, I will be putting up a story soon, but it is still in the works and I am a bit of a perfectionist, so it may be a while considering that and my time schedule (which is unfortunately packed). However, I love to write - and I am not bragging or being narcissistic - but i am pretty good at it too.