Personal Message


First of all, I'd like to thank for your support by reading my stories, even when I take too long updating. I tend to give up of things in the middle of the process so please, bare my stupidity.

Secondly, I'd like to talk about my writing process: it may not be very different from all the other authors in this community. I, not only imagine the scenarios in my mind, but I also act them out on my bedroom to have the most realistic feelings to the characters because one of my pet peeves is "bad character development". I've deleted many of my stories because my characters weren't unique and there was nothing outstanding about them that was "realistic".

If you do not want to talk about my stories, you can discover more about me on the About Me section below.

About Me

Zodiac sign: Pisces/Tiger

ual orientation: Heteroual

Relationship status: Taken

Person who’s arms you’d like to be in: Boyfriend

What you find attractive in Men? Confidence

How tall are you? 163 cm

What you love about yourself? Hair

What you’re doing tomorrow? Sleep and write

What are your future plans? To become a masseuse

Your last night out in detail: I didn't go out last night.

Your favorite book: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy; it portrays a very detailed view of the Russian society in the XVIII century.

All of pets you’ve ever had: Two dogs: Rex and Snoopy. Rex passed away a year ago and I got Snoopy six months after Rex's death

Something that changed your life: My current relationship; not only I became a more responsible person as I learned to appreciate the effort people put on me

Where you would like to live? Sintra, Portugal

Your  favorite flavor of ice cream: Vanilla

Which swear word do you use the most? 

Any upcoming concerts? Planning to watch Queen + Adam Lambert in Rock In Rio

Something that you’re proud of: My septum piecing; it is the most painful piercing you can put on your body (even counting with the s) and I withstanded the pain


Do you still talk to your first crush? I don't even remember is name

What language do you want to learn? Korean

Eye color: Brown

Favorite style of clothing: Punk (do not mistake it with Goth) 

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? One hour

Tea or coffee? Coffee