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About Me




❁   positivity  is  the   k  e  y .
                 - - hello there, who are you ?

positive      positive      positive      positive          (  )  s t a y  o p t i m i s t i c !

Tiffany Hwang was born in the great united states of America. She grew up in that country, and made tons of friends. She became very outgoing and loveable. She thought she had it all. The personality, the looks, the loving family, even the easy going job. That was, until she was sent out into the field for her first assignment at age 20..  If she had known then what would happen, she would have never went to South Korea. But she did go, and she fell madly in love, with the wrong person. She had somehow gotten into a love affair with a man who managed to cross the North Korean border.  During her 6 moth period in Korea, she spent everyday with him,that was, until someone cam into their house, and shot him for  betraying North Korea. Not only was her love murdered, but the man who did it stole everything from her. Including, her identity. She couldn't leave South Korea anymore. And even worse, it was like everyone at home had forgotten about her.  And so, she was stuck, forced to live in Korea, as a journalist.


 )  n e v e r  d o u b t !          the key      the key      the key      the key      the key

credits to monochromatic. do not steal.

roleplaying as Hwang Miyoung@ ✠the elites rp✠