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Personal Message

Hi! I hope to make some long lasting friends and or readers and subcribers on here. I'm not so new to the whole fanfic writing process. I've done it before but it's been quite some time since i've actually written one. um i've been on AAF before but this is my first time actually signing up for the site. before i was just an on looker and ghost reader. lol hoping to change that though. just a heads up, like i said it has been a while since i've written a fanfic somy work may or may not seem 100% legit in some aspects but please i promise they will get better as time goes on. YOu just gotta bare with me xD

Other than my fanfics, i hope to meet and talk to some of you. i'm alway up for chitchats :3

About Me

Let's see....well my user name pretty much just screams my two top kpop groups.


They are just.....AMAZING!!!<3

Other groups that are just as amazing and a place in my heart for are;

And of course i can't leave out my fave girl groups;

LIke anyone i also have my fair share of bias'. these are just few of them :3







Onew & Minho (omg i ship them so hard lol xD just look at them x3<3)

Henry! x3



Sungmin (he reminds me of a cute lil rabbit, is that weird? xD)

omg there are so much more i swear....shall i keep going?.......okay i will xD

Let's see who's next......um....OH!!!




Lee Joon


believe me there is way way WAY more xD

But my all time top bias is B.A.P umma, Kim Himchan

He is just so precious.x3

There are so many reasons as to way he is my bias, some of the main ones are because of his kind heart. He's so loving not only to his fellow members but also his fans. Just like they take pictures of them, he takes pictures of them and shares his views with others. He's has his moments where he is beyond the level of immaturity but he does know when its time to act like a grown up in certain situation. He's truly someone i admire. I love Himchan oppa<3
