


  • Getting image...

About Me



as long as you guys don't change my password or go through my messages as well as changing my profile. you guys can do anything in this about me section as you guys please though. just dont mess with someone else's post... try to keep it neat please . ;w;
password : pm me. (cause myung wont stop nagging me)



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start here.













MYUNG hacked.

hey joejoe, you're fun to tease e u e.

horry shiz. i'm the first to hack ur profile liek. omf- lemme just /flips. i had to re-hack cause of stupid internet /crey. anyways. hey joejoe. i know you love me okei. like deep down inside ur heart like you're screamin 'MYUNG I LOB CHU' i just know it e u e /coughs. stop being so mean to your best fran like. /sobs. and i know you love ma huggles okei i mean even look at that gif. you so touchy yourself o u o. don't hate me okei? i won't call you midget anymore or shortieee or shawwtaaaay ohoh. idek what i'm saying buh anyways /huggles. i looooooooove yuuh <3 like a lot okei. maybe i should bake you some cookies to show ma lurveeeee and and yeah o u o idunno if i can cook it properly though.../blinks. so like yeah, buhbye myung out /peace sign.








did you miss me? -w-
여보세요 : I know these actions aren’t very brave. Even if you say I’m cowardly, I can’t go anymore. Do you know these feelings?
i'm claiming all of this
so hey, how's it going? yeah, i probably just make your day by even writing this. haha just kidding, i just know you have the urge to slap me after that. anyways, um, i really like you, joepom, but you already know that. but i couldn't get tired of saying it, so you're stuck with listening to me say it over and over again. oh yeah, thanks for putting up with me. and actually saying yes to me. i know i can be more like a child sometimes, but at least we balance each other out, right? yeah, i know. i'm right. 
i really hope that no matter what, i could always make you happy. urgh, how cheesy does that sound? i know, you said for me not to, but i can't help it sometimes... if there's anything i could do for you, just ask -w- you should know i'm willing to do whatever you ask. i just don't want to lose you. okay, this is getting out of hand, you understand, don't you? you already know my feelings towards you, so ima just skip this and save myself from being hit by you again. 
so look, i picked a gif where i look cute. becuase, let's face it, i'm adorable. haha, nahh, i was just trying to match with you, k? so don't judge me. though i know you will regardless. anyways, stay mine. that's all i have to say -u-  








Yah, pabo twinnie, look who it is! It's your awesome twinnie that you just love sooo much. <3 I can't believe you wanted to my twin, I thought you would refuse because you're a meanie . ;n; But then I realized that you are a meanie and a niceu ... LOL. Err, that sound strange, but whatever it makes sense. Maybe? Ohmygosh, we're twins and our boyfriends are like twins! Pff, isn't that so cool~?  Okay lemme start my beautiful message already! Does my twinnie know I'm really talkative and I ramble a looot? No? Well, you're gonna realize that I'm just saying random stuff. That's super unorganized OTL. BUT YOU'LL LOVE MY HACK BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME. BI Wait.. I still didn't start my message. orz. Okaaay, well lemme start off by saying you're super cool. I never expected us to get so close. Honestly I thought you wouldn't like me as much. >~<  But as we talked more, I found out that we have sooo much in common! It's crazy~ Which is why I wanted you to be my twinnie. Obviously not identical ones though. *coughs; mehrong* I'm clearly the better looking one though <3 LOL kidding kidding~...Maybe. ouo Ohmygosh. Did you know that it's super fun teasing you? Like your reactions, I can't even. Bwhaha, so funny~! Now I know why people love teasing mee. orz. But I don't get why you let me tease you. xD ...Oh yeah that reminds me! I still don't forgive you for wanting me to charm people to get free food. So, yeah. I still need to make you wear a... Wait what was your favorite color again...? Yellow... ugh... blue... Uhm uhm.. Yeah I forgot. But whatever it is. That color dress... *whispers* And I'm making you wear a wig and make up. MAYBE YOU'LL BE AS PRETTY AS ME. <3 Hehehe~ I'll treat you to food afterwards so don't be mad at me. ;n; Okay okay.. What else should I say? Ugh, I dunno... Oh! I know~ Twinnie you're amazing and such a great friend. I could go rant to you about whatever and you wouldn't be annoyed with me. Which I did already and it made me feel sooo much better. >//< Remember you can talk to me about anything too! I trust you so much already! I consider you one of my most important friends here! So always talk to me, neh? And stop being so damn lazy too.. -.- But you're the best, you really are <3 You're my favorite... Well, you don't like when people call you oppa.. And you can't be my favorite twinnie, when I only have one. Uhmm... You're my favorite.. Something? xD Anyways, I love you a looot~ My twinnie is jjang! :3



but still


{ Hayoung, your twinnie hacked~








































Hi Bunnyhun~ This is your princess here ^^~ Kyah, even though we only met recently, you're really a good friend to me. DON'T WORRY. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THOSE PEOPLE CAN THINK YOU ARE COLD OR MEAN OR EMOTIONLESS. You're a really kindhearted guy and are super fun to be around! Your Junielie would be so bored without you XD~ I'm sorry if I ever um... PREVENTED YOU FROM STUFF OTL XD but I just want to let you know that your happiness is my priority<3 If there's a bright smile on your face, then Juju has the energy to be happy all day ^^~! SO NEVER CRY UNLESS IT'S ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! Not only will you scare me to death, but Juju will be sad too. I love you my fairy godfather<3 Although your magic right now is... ermmmmm.... weak.... *laughs* I STILL LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE! I need my fairy godfather to transport me places XD OTL REMEMBER THAT THING? I HONESTLY DIDN'T KNOW OKAY!!!! TT^TT don't make fun on meeeeeeee. I'm innocent, I tell you! Ahh, but Juju likes the idea of accompanying you two on a date XD can Juju just stalk you e u e? OR MAYBE.... YOU CAN JUST BUY ME FOOD OTL. BECAUSE I'M BROKE. Ehhh, I'm getting sidetracked. Okay Bunny, I'll try to keep this as short as possible XD i LOVE YOU! YOU'RE SO IMPORTANT TO ME! SO STAY HAPPYYYY~ AND KEEP ON WATCHING OVER ME ^^~ Saranghae<3

junielie . was . here . onseptember . 19, 2013