Personal Message

[[ on an ooc note, I really miss Heechul :C ]]

About Me

     슈퍼주니어  김희철


God   /'gäd/   n.                                                                                                        
the one Supreme Being; creator and ruler of the universe.  2 Kim Heechul.



I, Super Junior's Kim Heechul, am officially giving you permission to worship me.

Go on, I won't bite unless I feel like it.


Man, I'm y.


My Cats ㅇㅈㅇ


Han J Heebum

Bangshin ㅋㅋ


ㅋㅋ Aren't they cute?  Heebum looks evil. ㅎ_ㅎ
I have taught him well. (¬‿¬)


Important People

Yesung ~ turtle boy
Sungyeol ~ my other cat
Hana ~ flower saeng

Earn yourself a spot on this list and your life shall be spectacular. ( ̄ー ̄)


dinoberry ¦ aff roleplay
─Kim Heechul