About Me

Hi there!

I suppose this is where l tell y'all alllllll about me, but  who wants to know that? So I'll sum it up pretty quick.

I'm more of a lurker than a writer. I love to write, but can never ever finish anything so I'd much rather read and comment!

I love to make friends and talk with people so don't be afraid to hit me up! I'm super friendly! I promise! Everyone on this site is freaking adorable anyways so I'll probably just end up gushing over how cute you are and how awesome your stories are haha ^^

Kay ontooo the fandoms/biases/OTPs 

Super Junior are my obsession. Eunhae is my OTP. That really sums it up. 

I absolutely adore a long list of other bands (SNSD, SHINee, f(x), BAP, Block B, Big Bang, etc) so I love reading fics with all other artists included! And I'm not terribly picky with OTPs other than the idiots listed above, especially if the fic is fantaaaaaaaaaastic 

I really should not be writing this so late at night

Love and Peace and Dueces and Yeah! 

<333 ComeAtMeBro (or Nadia if you do so prefer)