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Personal Message

Hello there people from all around the world ^^ I am new here, but not new as in first time in aff but new as in writing my own things. Its really scary for me to publish my thoughts and imagination out in the open because I'm afraid people will think I'm weird or something. I've actually read A LOT of fanfictions and obviously I only read yunjae. But the best stories I have read are 'Who Do You Really Love?' by yunjae_hlub and 'I Bloody Hate You' I don't know the author for this story because it's been a long time since I've read it. I hope I don't let people feel bad when I write down the best authors in my opinion. If it bothers you just tell me to take it out :) So my favorite authors are yunjae_hlub and SuperBlue. I'm not sure if any of you guys are fimiliar with them but if you're not, yunjae_hlub writes really angsty stories where as, SuperBlue writes comedy. I also have other favorite authors but I can't seem to find them :$ So if you'd like to know my favorite and top stories that I really enjoyed reading here they are: ) Completes