Personal Message


Captain Choi Minho≈




Orientation: Gay

Status: Taken by Lee Taemin :p 


The lil things he feels you should know


Minho is the type of guy u wouldn’t want to mess with. He is a cool guy but once u use him for anything he’ll make u pay. Because he came from a rich family he’s accustomed to getting used and he hates it. Other than that he’s a pretty cool guy. He is very athletic and is very interested in different cultures I guess that’s y he made a cruise. He loves food but knows when to cut down. Minho is just like any other guy meaning he wants to find love. He wants to be loved something he was denied as a child. He’s very daring and is not afraid to say what’s on his mind. Though he hates when someone acts as something you’re not. He thinks that being someone you’re not is never good thing because it turns the real you into nothing. He doesn’t really care if you like him or not but he does try to make the effort of getting to know u before he judges u. His motto “ If you don’t like me that’s not my problem cause in reality u mean nothing to me you’re just here to take up space in my world.” though one thing you should know is that minho kinda have a problem with pain and will do almost anything o avoid stuff that have to do with it. His best buddy is and will always be Tao, they are a perfect match but just as friends though so don't get any ideas *cough* taemin *cough cough* Minho is very protective of Tao and will do almost any thing for him. He kinda have a Tao complex but oh well.. "Don't corrupt my Tao or I will find you!"


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My 'cute' baby Lee Taemin, I'll forever be yours my big drama queen and dancing machine ;)

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Get a good look cause you'll never have him.

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