About Me

Ada Goth

20 Years Old 


EXO-L and Shawol

These fandoms basically ruin me.

Growing up I was never really fascinated with anything, I liked to explore and I'd watch TV every now and again but as I grew older I started going out less - I wasn't unsocialble and I still like exploring, I just wanted more out of exploring and I expeted more because my knowledge about the world and the people in it had grown. When I got my first laptop that's when I started exploring different cultures - I got into anime and through anime I found K-drama's and through them, I found K-pop. Music has always been important to me and K-pop had a whole new take on music and it just made me so happy. I'm now obsessed. And I ship real life people with each other. Not even characters in a show people but like, real, real people and that's not something I thought I'd ever do but hello me, wow, look at me. 

Basically...this whole story was pointless because what I'm trying to say is...

"I love gay ," - Daniela Velazquez