Personal Message


hI, i'M BROKENCHINADOLL. i love reading and writing stories. the first day i saw light was on jan. 12. i am not very confident and can be a little emotionally absent but I am willing to help anyone that needs him. i also hate it when someone puts a story down, if you do not enjoy my writing, please walk away now. i am not the best writer but I pratice with the hope of getting better. i am very critical and tend to overanalyze things for weak points so if i ever come off as standoffish, i'm sorry. i'm also not completely chinese, i am mix of vietnamese and chinese with a little french. 


hyorin ft. mad clown

dear you,

thank you for being able to put up with me. the person with a changing heart. I know i might not be the most emotionally loving or perfect person but i am glad to have you guys in my life. thank you for everything and know that you are held to the highest esteem of my heart if you are put on here. i sorry for the troubles i cause for you guys at times but i do love you guys. 

love, brokenchinadoll ♡


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