Personal Message

Respect me, I'll respect you

Unrespect, you can say hello to the dark me

About Me

Some facts about me... If you are interested to friendship with me, hint me a request


  1. Born in 1996.
  2. A language student.
  3. Speak English & Spanish feluently and there are 3 languages more but you can think about them.
  4. Not selective in food but there are some things I can't eat.
  5. Adore fruits.
  6. Love cats & dogs but they don't love me.
  7. Hate pigs.
  8. Love children but not always.
  9. Kpoper since 2011.
  10. Only Exo-L.
  11. Don't like being in multi fandoms.
  12. Believe in God, fate & destiny.
  13. Believe in miracles.
  14. Believe in love only in K dramas, fairy tales & novels but not in real world.
  15. My favourite anime is Detective Conan.
  16. My favourite Exo song is Peter Pan.
  17. My first crush was Conan.
  18. My first K drama was Princess Ga Myung.
  19. My fashion icon is me.
  20. My favourite colours are black & white.
  21. Love summer. 
  22. Love manga.
  23. They say my eyes & nose are beautiful.
  24. They say my smile is beautiful.
  25. Have a creepy smile
  26. Laugh is my lifestyle.
  27. Want to be a writer when I become 30 or 40 maybe.
  28. Want to visit all the countries especially Asian countries.
  29.  Don't judge people by their look, clothes, interests, religion, language & nationality. 
  30.  Don't put high expectation on something or someone as I know that life is not fair & people will let you down.