About Me

Olá a todos, eu sou Bekah.

Sou Brasileira e decidi finalmente mudar minhas fanfics para o AsianFanfics. Vou continaur postando em português, mas quero me aventurar e postar em inglês também, me desejem sorte.

As fanfics que estavam no Nyah! já foram postada aqui.

Espero que gostem!


Hello everyone, I'm Bekah.

I'm Brazilian, and my english isn't that good. Now, my profile have only portuguese fanfics, but this situation will change very soon. If reading my english histories you find any mistakes jus tell me, ok?

By the way, I'm a Hyohunnie and Locksmith and just 'cause I don't write in english yet it doesn't mean that I don't read...

Hope you guys like about what you found here! ^^