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» Beautiful; No other way to describe her.

▲ Full name: Park Sora (박소라)
▲ Born into the world: 24 years ago
▲ Place of birth: Incheon, Korea
▲ Gaze upon the beauty: 166cm; 48kg

» Life; Her Story.

From a young age, Park Sora has always been told that she was never good enough. By her own neglectful parents--she was told that she would never amount to anything and that all she'd be good for was laying on her back and herself out. But, Sora wasn't going to let her parents' words grip and control her fate. No. Instead, Sora continued to do extremely well in school. Not only did she have the looks, but she also had the brains. She was never one that didn't know what it was she was talking about. Educated and elegant, in her own way, Sora wanted to prove to her parents that she, herself, could be destined for greatness and that nothing would get her down. She wanted to show them that she would forever remain pure in heart, mind, and body. She wouldn't let what they said to her bring her down or erase her smile. She was stronger than them in will and intelligence. She didn't need them to validate who she was as a person because she was comfortable in her own skin. Nothing and no one could break her or strip her from the life that she wanted to make for herself....that is, until she met her first love.

He was everything that she had ever wanted. He was everything that she had ever dreamed of. He was perfect in his own right. He was smart, charming, funny, skilled, educated, artistic, bold, spontaneous, flirtatious, caring, compassionate, loyal, gentle, and patient. He was her world and she was sure that he was his. Everything about him made her made her melt. She had found someone that would make her happy...someone who would forever put a smile on her face. She had met someone that could protect her from her parents' harsh words, comments, and blows. She had found the fabled 'one'. Someone whom she thought that she'd forever spend the rest of her life with. However; that came crashing down in her face, when he admitted to her that he was only using her. His family was a rival of her family's business, and he was using her to get to his get to their money. That was also the night where her innocence was stripped from her. It was then that she realized that didn't exist--it never did, and it never would. Not in her heart. Love...what was love? If those that "loved" her only hurt her, used her, abused her. No longer was her heart, mind, or body pure. She had turned completely inside out. Her grades fell, her smile faded...everything about her changed from passionate, sweet, and caring--to cold, evil, malicious, vindictive, and hateful. She wanted to protect herself from any hurt, harm, and danger. And the best way to achieve that would be to shield the one vunrable part of her; her heart.


" Behind my smile is a hurting heart.  Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart.  Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am...isn't me." 

Now that Park Sora is out of high school, as well as college; she now works at a modeling organization known as 'Stylenanda' as well as 'Nandagirl'. Each place pays very well to the point where she has her own condo on the outskirts of Seoul, South Korea. She doesn't need anyone to help her pay her own bills. In fact, she is very much independent and she loves that about herself. However, she doesn't trust anyone enough to allow them into her world. Her broken past, her messed up childhood, her horrible first relationship--it left her broken to the point where she doesn't believe in love and she only uses others like she was once used. She doesn't open her heart for anyone and her's fake. No one has seen her real smile in years, and she refuses to show it again. Someone may take advantage of that as well. Because of her past--she has been known to manipulate others to get what she wants whether it is money or even ...something that she craves instead of love. She could care less about love--it's just not for her. She won't give it and she won't accept it if it's sent her way. She is cold to the point where she is a loner in the world....someone without friends to call her own, but she doesn't mind. The less people in her life--the less of a chance that she'll actually be used, abused, or left heartbroken like she was years ago.

Bad Boy★ | aff roleplay
roleplaying as [ Park Sora