Personal Message

Hi, my name is ''Ayu Dae''. Please note the ''quotations'' there. It's not really Ayu but using your real name on the internet is a no-no, unless you are on facebook. Maybe one day I'll have enough guts to share my name but for now my identity lies under the alias Ayu Dae. I'm friendly so if you want to talk some time just drop me a message. O.K. ....게세요.

About Me

I am asian, which makes me very happy. Not to say I would be unhappy if I were to be born another race, but I am content with what I have and embrace my culture. My family comes from Cambodia and I am proud to be Cambodian because if I wasn't then I wouldn't have this beautiful face. That sounded very narcistic but it's really what I think. I love myself very much and spend a lot of my time learning about health and fitness. My wish is to become a strong, independent girl and to be in optimal health well into elderly age. I love Kpop because of the dances, the flower boys and the hilarious variety shows. When I say flower boys U-Kiss' Kevin automatically pops into mind. My ultimate bias' are SHINee's Key and U-Kiss' Kevin. I am a big fan of Key because of his blunt manner, devilish personnality and witty humor. Kevin is the angelic angel that I look up to as a role-model. Hopefully one day I'll be lucky enough to meet them. I like to dance. Notice how I didn't use the word love. That's because lately I've been in a funk, but it doesn't faze me much. I am preoccupying myself with books, exercise, tumblr and learning korean and french simultamously. AFF seems a very nice place and I hope I can get to know the users here. Let's talk sometime. O.K?

