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About Me

- I'm a fantabulously swaggerific little asian girl with a little too much imagination and a slightly unhealthy obssession with Domo, Hello Kitty, and all things Disney. 

- I love looking at piercings and tattoos (especially laughing hysterically at gorgeous butterfly tramp stamps... on men)

- I'm completely incapable of riding a bicycle. The farthest I've gone is three pedals with four people holding me up, and one pedal by myself.

- Finding Nemo and Toy Story pull at my heart strings.

- That's So Raven is the best.

- Morgan Freeman is a cool cat (meow!)

- My guilty pleasure is anything and everything KPOP....... or frozen gummy bears. Those are good too :)


Favourite Sayings With Tubby MalonaJacksonWinonaRyderButtThing:

~ Baby I know.


Favourite Insults With TurdFace McFatFudge:

~ You're a horrible day!

~ You buttsuckle.

~ You're my Anthony.

~ You don't even know the difference between hummus and babaghanoush. You're a joke.