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Personal Message

Kay. Here is the thing, I DO NOT TOLERATE I REPEAT DO NOT TOLERATE STALKERS, CREEPERS OR IGNORANT PEOPLE WHO CRITISIZE STORIES WITHOUT EVEN READING FICS YET. WHO CARES IF YOU ARE NOT A FAN OF THE GROUP OR SOMETIHNG?! DO NOT BE TROLLING ON SOMEONE ELSES' HAPPINESS! YOU WANT TO CRITIQUE PEOPLE? GIVE GOOD ADVICE FOR GROWTH!        -aish-  (-.-) SO YEAH XD but seriously (-.-) I am happy, cheerful and full of smiles! ^^ Only mean, when provoked and ticked off, which is rare. Of course the 3 things i have stated before are what tick me off the first time. There are no second chances for those kinds of things. Just so frigging annoying.

 Last updated on August 10, 2012


About Me

Hii! i am Taidam -an asian race- hahahaha people usually are like WHAT XD hahaha i love any kind of fanfics. Sometimes I become bored if the fanfic plot line is too Too TOO predictable

I am 169 cm = 5ft 6 1/2 inches

Kpop, jpop, anime, manga. -MAJOR FAN GIRL-

I will start writing soon!!!! It is just that i dont think i can write enough to keep my readers satisfied. SO WHEN I DO PLEASE BE READY! ^^ <3 

The Thing is i do not understand Sasaeng fans.... i  mean WTF.... Idols will not fall for girls who have no life and respect for others' personal space and privacy. -.- WTF If you're lonely go make friends and stop being anti-social, stand up for yourself, learn a way to fight back, or something. Easier said than done i know, but come on now. (-.-)  Idols have lives too. Leave them be. 

Aeru, Saranghaeyo, I LOVE YOU! <3~~~~~~~~ My soon to be readers! 

Last updated on August 10, 2012