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Personal Message

- Aude was my French nickname ~ ^ o ^ Hare is from my other nickname "Rudis Hare" 

- I am a big U-KISS fan and a super passionate KISSME ~ U-KISS is my ultimate bias group, but I do love others too like VIXX, IU, SNSD, 4 Minute, Ailee, 2NE1, etc ... 

- I love art and still trying to improve and planning to major in Computer Science 

- I love all of the colors of the rainbow, and especially pink/pearl fuchsia because it's U-KISS's fan color

- I'm short TT . TT [152 cm] and jiggly-fat

- I spend most of my time re-reading beautiful novels written by beautiful people like Radio_Active, designing floor plans/houses, photoshopping, singing, dancing, and listening to music.

- I'm awkward. 

- My favorite animal is a rabbit ^ o ^ 

t w i t t e r : @USAGI_IS_DEAD

About Me






~Haro there~ 

//offers cheese cake and cookies with warm milk//




Things you should know about me :

1. I'm a beginner at photo shopping wall paper/backgrounds. [I ]

2. My English, grammar, and spelling can be off at times. [Even if I was born in the U.S., I still have problems with English]

3. I've been writing stories eversince June, 2012. My accounts, Remake_KaillaJJANG and KaillaJJANG were deactivated due to school and stress.

4. Yes, I will be re-writing my old stories instead of just posting them up on here. I've noticed many ugly mistakes and grammar errors, so I'll be busy fixing them.

5. I like writing stories more than Yuri and straight couple fics. Yuri is really hard for me to write, it's not because I'm a girl, but because I just don't know what to write for Yuri secks. Like, what can they even do? xD 

5. Did you notice that I typed in 5 twice? >w<

6. I won't be publishing/updating very much since I do have some life outside the internet.


Thank you for visiting and have a good night/day!