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Personal Message

❝ Even in the deepest darkness,
There will always be a light to guide you.
Bae Suzy
10.10.94 | Student | Library & Webtoon Assistant | Doujinshi Circle
About Me:
  • Absolutely loves Mangas & Animes and pretty much everything that comes with it, be it merchandise, fanart to video games
  • Inferiority complex towards her brother, even though she would never show it in front of him
  • Suzy is incdredibly hardworking and would always give it her very best
  • Tends to compare situations to the ones happening in mangas she read and usually gives advice based on that, it's unexpectedly helpful
  • Very nice and friendly, though she can be quite shy
  • Often tries to make friends and uses a lot of courage to do that
  • Is very insecure of what people think of her
  • Suzy is very optimistic and believes as long as you got at least one light, one thing that makes you happy,life won't be able to bring you down
  • Whenever she reads, she gets so drawn in that she tunes out the rest of the world and doesn't realize what's happening around her anymore
  • Prefers Anime music over Pop songs
  • Knowledgeable and able to distinct every voice actor/actress she ever heard
  • Tends to run away and hide as she cries when she's under pressure
  • Feels incredibly awkward and uncomfortable whenever the topic family or parents are being discussed
  • Has a knack for video games and usually wins/finish at a rather fast pace
  • Tests the games her brother develops
  • Loves making Manga stories which would help her learn/revise the things she is studying/studied, whenever she has free time
  • Doesn't give up easily, except when it comes to her parents

[OOC: GMT time is +2, but I'll try my best to reply as quickly as I can when I see a reply. I pretty much can go with every kind of a plot, so feel free to plot with me! ]

Believe in the light,
And the darkness will never defeat you.❞

Layout by Delirium 2.0 by Akira-kuran


About Me


Welcome to the
Anime & Manga world
Are you enjoying
your current world?▌

If not,to be
in this world
use this code

『Family Status』
Parents: Owners and Chefs of several Restaurant chains. Current Status: Seldom Contact
Brother: Currently works as Game Developer. Current Status: Regular Contact/ Living with his boyfriend
Suzy grew up in a rather wealthy family, of course it's nothing compared to those business tycoons, but they were well off. One would think that's great, wouldn't they? Having a lot of money, loving parents and a pretty perfect older brother, what more could you wish? Well, nothing if only all of those would apply to her as well. She may have money, but other girls her age tended to think that she looked down on them because of that. So they ignored and treater her coldly. Nevertheless, she still found true friends who stick with her no matter what.

Her parents are indeed loving parents, but only towards their son. The family intended to only have one child, when their little boy was born, so imagine their surprise once they found out they were going to have a child again a few years after their first had been born. They didn't know how to react, but they still had her. However, Suzy grew up with little love from her parents, she merely watched as they showered her older brother with the affection she wished to experience as well. Don't get her wrong, they did love her, but not as much as their son, so they neglected her in comparison to their other child.

Her perfect older brother is perfect pretty much. He was everything a parent could wish for, athletic, smart, kind and more, except for one small thing. He was gay. Still, her brother was probably the only person in their family, with the exception of her grandparents who lived in the country, who showered her with the love anf affection she needed. However, when their parents found out about his preference, they were furious. They fought and pretty much threw him out until he could see what was 'right'. But Suzy didn't stand for it. 
Though they were now paying attention to her, it was at the cost of her brother for a ridiculous reason. She soon followed her brother and left their house to live with him. She looked for jobs and signed up for scholarships and helped him and stood by his side.

As time passed by, Suzy is now in university, majoring in Art, but mainly concentrating on Comics and Animation. One of her dreams is to attend at least one of her dream universities in Japan, where they specialize in the manga business. While she is able to study with the helps of her scholarships, she still works part time at the library 3 times a week and is also assisting a webtoon artist, who tends to call her when they need her. Her employer at the library is very understanding of that. Suzy is very grateful for her current life as she is aspiring to be a manga artist herself and her current workplaces lets her learn a lot of different things, which will help her. She'd love to try out different genres and thinking of different plots.

This young student started loving these Japanese comic books since she first came into contact with one and read it. The emotions and art drew her in and made her emphasize with the characters, good or evil. These little books were able to comfort her, cheer her up  and distract her from the loneliness she felt from her parents. She aspires to be one of them and is hoping to evoke those exact same emotions in her readers when she is creating her own manga. She wants to help people who feel left out or weird or are simply sad by pulling them into the stories she is going to draw.


Suzy is currently part of a doujinshi circle. which she joined at the age of 15. Each year they have an annual trip to Japan to sell their works at the comic convention. Those trips are the ones she looks forward to the most, seeing people, mostly girls, enjoy their product and people like her who love manga. She also meets all kinds of different people there, which she finds fascinating. She is currently living alone since her brother moved out to live with his boyfriend. Although she is still in touch with him, she misses him terribly. Their relationship with their parents hasn't really changed, they are still stubborn and insists that their 'perfect' son isn't gay. Nevertheless, she still hopes that they will come around. At the moment she is currently looking for a roommate or two to share the apartment with.