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Personal Message


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Basics on myself (warning this might seem slightly crazy-random of a life but it's mine and I love it dearly)
Heyo! My Name happens to be Momiji Lee, which is funny since I'm not asian.
I'm an adopted child, my mom can't have any children so my parents decided
to adopt me. I am seventeen years old, but my mentality is easily compared
to a five year old. o u o'' - - - - My mom's named Haruhi, she's japanese-american
My father is named Taejun and he's full korean, yet I am(goshthissoundsrudeforsomereasonlol)
white. I honestly love my life, it's like a crazy and messed up comedy without the annoying crowd.
I used to get picked on about being adopted, somethings that are very touch are down that line.
The other kids use to say I wasn't wanted and a unnecissary life that's just wasting air,water and food.
Yet again that's middle school for you. After I moved to a different state things got much better!
On the flip side I'm not very confirdent, in fact I'm extremely shy! But I can insure you I don't
bite, nor would I ever turn my back on someone in need! Dont be afraid to add me! I'm actually