Personal Message

ayo, wasssssup?

"It's not like I'm lazy because I choose to be. I tire easily. So while I rest up, I let my mind wander about in my imagination. I might look like I'm staring off into space without a care in the world, but I'm actually thinking."

I can not express myself. I do not talk well; speech-impairments, and my disliking to the tone and sound of my horrid voice. 
I can express my pent-up emotions by writing though; typing to be specific. I'm not good with spoken words or actions. But writing is the only way I am confident, in terms of communication.
In a way,
you can say I'm reticent, not revealing my thoughts or feelings readily. But it's more like I don't have the ability to.


"Tea helps calm my mind. It can be bittersweet. But it's some times all I need to find myself again."

"I love tea and coffee." Some people are surprised to hear this from me. Haha, honestly, I like the semi-bitter taste of tea, and the bittersweet taste of coffee. The aroma of coffee is very nice too. Hm, bubble tea and mocha frappes are sweet too. I'd drink a lot more if I had the opportunity to. But that's even more bad for my health.

But I'd prefer things like Coca Cola. I love the taste of Coke, and my friends know that too. If you don't have a lot of money for a present or such, just buy me some cola, and it's still nice. It's bad for your health, but I've been drinking a lot of cola since I was little, so it's additive, and so far, there's no syndromes of anything bad.... haha.



About Me

under construction
ohai durr; ima finish this... never. But feel free to ask questions if you wish, or you may turn back while you still can, and try to avoid my friendship. Once you fall in, you can never get out, so choose wisely, young reader. uvu