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About Me

 Baek Sumin



                 Kuroda Yuko was raised in a family with a long history of being tough fighters. Never had she been able to make friends or experience the world outside her family’s dojo in Japan. From the age of five she was forced to train night and day, trying her hardest to please her family with hopes of being able to leave that horrible place one day. Don’t get her wrong, she loved her family and learning new martial arts but she just yearned for the taste of sweet freedom.  When she reached the age of 16, she decided it was time to do the one thing she was most scared of and that was asking her father for permission to venture into the outside world. Well, as expected, her farther disagreed which made her very angry. She yelled and screamed at her father for being so unfair to her, which really surprised him since she was one of his favorite children. And as a punishment she was forced to train even more; skipping meals, less sleeping hour, and shunning from her family. Finally she had enough and decided she was going to run away, which she did. Yuko snuck out of her family’s large estate with a pocket full of cash stolen from her father and a small bag of her belongings. Since that day, Yuko now goes by the name of Baek Sumin. She has now moved as far away from her family as she could, and is now living on her own while working several jobs.





                       Sumin looks very emotionless on the outside and that’s the way she seems at first. But in truth she is a very loud, hard headed girl who loves picking fight with people and making new friends. Sumin also loves challenges and will face them head on. But the one thing Sumin hates is when someone questions her strength and skills when it comes to her martial arts. She hopes that people she meets will look past her emotionless appearance and want to get to know her better but she will never admit this to anyone. She also hates when people give her pity or try to get pity from her with their sob stories, which is  why she doesn't discuss her past with anyone.



~When people are mean to her. (Its more fun that way)






~Hacking Computers


~When people are stronger than her


~Weak people

~Stupid people

~Very girly boys and girls

~The word "Oppa"

~When people think they have more power over her because she is younger than them.


★Facts About Sumin



~Lives in an old apartment.

~Speaks Japanese, Korean, and Chinese

~Has never been kissed or hugged and would like to keep it that way.....for now.

~Takes promises very seriously

~Doesn't trust people. Especially guys.

~When and if she does make a good friend she is very protective and possessive towards them.

{ N I G H T L U S T ™ }