Personal Message


Me, Myself & I 

Name: 황민현 (Hwang Min Hyunl) || Birthday: 1995.08.09 || Weight: 65kg || Height: 183cm || Blood type: O

Hometown: Busan, South Korea || Nu'est Sweet Vocal || Pledis Entertainment

Taken by My Geummie || In Love || Happy with Her~

Lee Geum Hee, my dreamy ulzzang girl. Isn't she so squishable and cute?? Well, too bad she's mine!! *hugs her* no touchy... *cough* ERM! Anyways, she's my doll like unidentified creature from the amazon! Hurt her and you'll be borrowing a face from a dog, I'm not kidding... Also, she's my first love, I'm her's and she's mine, hopefully she'll be last~

To My Geummie,

        I promise I'll take good care of you and never hurt you, if I did, I'll let you hit me anywhere as hard as you can. Also, there will no someone else except you... because loosing someone like you is like loosing more than a trillion times a treasure. 

---Minnie Human



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