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About Me

When Krystal was younger, out of the two sisters she was the unpopular one. The quiet one. She wasn't too popular when she was younger, and was often 'used' just to get closer to her sister, Jessica. Such as once, the guy that Krystal had a very big crush on had asked her out. Only, to find out that he just wanted her sister. She caught him flirting with her, and when Sica told him to stop since that was her sister's boyfriend, and that "Shouldn't you love her?' However, that just led to him calling her sister 'nothing' saying that he doesn't want or need her. 'She's just an unattractive nerd' He said. Then boom. Krystal changed.She realized how she barely got anywhere in her life due to her looks, as sad as it was. So during the summer, she did everything she could to become 'attractive' She ditched the baggy clothes and wore clothes that were snug to her figure. Ditched glasses for contacts. And even changed her hair. When she came back to school, she was different. She wouldn't let guys try and use her, but still remained a nice person. However, piss her off and you'll regret that. Krystal was trained in martial arts when she was younger. People finally noticed her. They didn't call her 'Jessica Jung's sister' but for once, they actually called her 'Krystal'. Even her busy working father, whom had always put forth most of his attention on Jessica, actually paid attention to her, and even listened to her. He never paid attention to what she said before that. So she decided not to change back. She felt all to great at the moment. Even after that guy and what he said about her, she still remained close to her ister. Although, she still was a bit jealous. She'd do anything for her sister and she knows the feeling is mutual. As close as the two are, seems like nothing can break them apart.

Krystal's personality is a bit energetic. When she gets scared, or teased, she would lightly smack them on the arm or something. Her expressions are sometimes hard to read, though. She's a bit..sensitive. Her personality seems pure, natural, and even a bit innocent. She's not a fan of aegyo, so don't even try doing that type of stuff in front of her. She's the one you can tell your secrets to. She's a good pillow as in, you can tell her about your problems. Even if there are many problems, she'll still listen the whole way. And even try to help.

{ admin at seoul seductions }