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Personal Message

Dear Jonghyun♥,

I love you so, so much, Jong. Please, don't ever change who you are. You're amazing & like me, so many fans appreciate and adore who you are & who you've become today. Your smile, your eyes, and your voice drive me insane. <3 
Your smile. Man, that smile of yours can brighten up the whole world. Please, don't ever stop smiling, Jonghyun. 
Your eyes. Those adorable, gorgeous eyes you have make anyone squeal & fangirl. 
Your voice. My god, your voice. That incredibly talented and amazing voice of yours makes me smile like a fool, you know? Whenever I'm feeling down, stressed, or angry, I listen to your voice. It sounds slightly cliche and stupid for someone to say, but you & your voice always makes me feel better. 
Really, Jonghyun. Don't ever stop singing. You love singing, I know it. I see it in your eyes. That happiness and joy and passion you have for singing, I can see it, dear. Don't ever stop singing. Always do what you want to do. Be yourself. Do what you want as long as it makes you happy. Sing, dance, whatever. Do whatever makes you happy. I'm not saying go kill someone. But I just want to let you know that whatever you do as long as it makes you happy, I'll always support you. 
And you know, whoever marries you will be the luckiest girl in the world. She'll wake up everyday next to you, staring into those gorgeous eyes of yours. She'll always see you smile. She'll be hearing that amazing voice of yours. 
I know it'll never be me. I'm fine with that. I know I can't have everything I want. I understand that. 
But, Jonghyun. Always remember to do what you want as long as it makes you happy. Always be yourself. Keep smiling, keep singing, keep being that dorky dino you are, Jong. I love you, and I always will be here to support you. 

Your number one fan, 


About Me


Oh. Me? Heh. Well, to start with, I'm just another giiiirrlll...
Haha 2NE1 reference. :3
No. But seriously, to begin with, my name is Skylar. It's not my actual name, but I'd like it if you called me Skylar since I don't really like my real name. So please call me Skylar or Sky. Or Panda. Or Unnie. Or Dongsaeng. Or just --iPanda. Or whatever the you'd like as long as it's nice. ^_^
I'm fourteen years old. I was born March of 1997(: Currently a freshmen in High school.
I was born in the very boring- or at least to me - U.S. of A. My family is Mexican, but like I stated before, I was born in the U.S. so I'm Mexican-American. And yes, I am fluent in both spanish & English. And currently I'm learning Japanese in school.

I listen to a lot of music. I'm very open to various kinds of music genres! I listen to a lot of Kpop, rock, metal, screamo, regular american pop (as long as it's not about alcohol, drugs, booty, or ), and others! :D

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