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Personal Message


Role-playing Park Young Hee (student) at S.M Highschool RP.





About Me


¬ Park. Young. Hee. ¬



Park Young Hee.
The one that lives with her of a mother.
The one that never shows up to class on time.
The one that has the worst temper.
The one that can’t get out of your head.


Age: Seventeen
Status: Single
ual Orientation: Heteroual (Straight)



Young Hee is not your average freshman.
She’s a , a cold-hearted person, she ditches class, and she's a smoker.
Truthfully, she hates the death sticks, but thanks to her bastardly father, she became hooked to them.
When Young Hee was a child, she was always beaten, neglected, and tossed aside like yesterday’s leftovers. She hated everything that was, or pretended to be nice to her, because she knew that she would only be left alone again.
So, she tossed everything out and broke the bonds.
You could try and try again, but this girl will never trust you. The only way that would happen, if you would actually get to know her. For real.
She hates being called Young Hee, and prefers her nickname, Yuhee, but she won’t allow you to call her that. Only the people close to her can call her Saigo.

Even though Young Hee will not trust or talk a lot, she is very flirty.
She can go from being y one second, to naughty and dirty the next.


Young Hee is also the biggest tomboy you will ever meet.
She hates bright pink and yellow. She wears boxers, instead of , and she never wears makeup.
She plays football, boxing, and baseball- all the competitive and tough sports.

Young Hee lives with her mother again her their apartment with her Doberman puppy, Kumo.
She treats and loves the dogs to death, and would cause harm to anyone who dared to hurt him.
In order to get the food and pay for the bills, Young Hee works at a club as a bartender. Usually, if one of the dancers is out, she’ll be forced to take their place. Lucky her, right?
Wrong. Young Hee absolutely hates being touched without saying they could, and being touched and d all over by a man, just pisses her off.