Did you ever had a heavy crush on an idol?

  • A) Yes,but that was childish,I still love them but as a fan   (18 votes)
  • B) Yes,I love him/her so much.I'm so jealous when I see other fans   (10 votes)
  • C) No,I duunno why   (5 votes)
  • D) No,that would be weird.I'm not 9 anymore   (3 votes)
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I choose A because I think that is the best answer out of the 4 answer,I guess?Lol I'm childish alright.I admit that.I have many childish crush with idols :3 I didnt choose B because heck why would you be jealous when fan are with the idol?That's so immature of you if you ever feel that.I only thought that I am happy for them that their wish of meeting their beloved idol come true:)I just think that how lucky of them to meet their idol.So no jealousy are involved in my opinion.I love my idol but yeah reality know that I cant meet them everr ,sadlyTT.TT because of my parents .And I wish all the idol had the privilege to date freely though.its their own life,media should just gtfo.Well,its just my opinion :)
I'm in-between A and B I guess..? I really love them a lot, as a fan I suppose. I don't have the desire to date them, but I also don't think it's childish to have a crush on them. And I also don't get jealous of them around other fans, in fact I think it's really sweet to see them interacting with them.