How do you start writing a story?

  • A) Have a plot in mind   (26 votes)
  • B) Wing it!   (3 votes)
  • C) Both   (20 votes)
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I've winged it a couple of times, but it's been a very long while since I've done that. I find that winging it can make writing easier, because you can make the story go in any direction you want. But with a plot in mind, sometimes you can't write a certain scene you want, because it would go against your original plan.
Still will never wing it again, though. Far too many stories as it is. I'll only make a new one if they plot is thoroughly thought out and is something I know people would enjoy.
-cldte #2
for me, i'll start with thinking of a plot.
once i have the basic plot done, i just kind of wing it and see where it leads me.
If it was me,there must be something that started to kick an idea into my head.Then it will go wilder and I will write until at last I think that imagining is much greater than writing.Never gonna give up though.
you really should start having a plot in mind,
thinking of it a lot.
and then when starting on writing it.
wing it if that's wut ya say, lol <333
but don't get the others confused xDDD