How do you prefer reading his name:

  • A) Luhan (joined)   (68 votes)
  • B) Lu Han (separate)   (9 votes)
  • C) I don't mind.   (26 votes)
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Thank you all for your feedback. I'm also aware his surname is Lu but as his name is two syllables it simply flows better as Luhan. I appreciate that you took the time to comment your opinions, though, thank you very much (:
ExodusOfLove #2
Even though I know it should be Lu Han, I still write it as Luhan 'cause I started out writing his name that way. Either way doesn't bother me.
Ooh, sorry, I get confused with which name is first and last because I live in America. XD Sometimes I wish we could all be respectful and say our names like in Asia. XD
Well, technically his first name would be Lu, and last name Han. . .

His last name is most definitely not Xi wherever the hell that came from.
For me is the same when it comes to read it... But I really like when is joined and at the same time separated: LuHan... I am weird I know XD
I prefer to read it as koreans do, Lu Han
For me, it's the same either way, so I don't mind how it's written. *shrugs*