At what point do you stop reading a fanfic you've already started?

  • A) Too many grammatical/spelling errors   (29 votes)
  • B) When a certain plot point happens   (8 votes)
  • C) When it gets dull/repetitive   (30 votes)
  • D) I always finish reading fanfics   (1 votes)
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I picked A..because that is the biggest problem normally...

But I also hate it when there's little other things... 98% of the time, I absolutely refuse to read a story with colored text...

And I NEVER read stories where the characters are suppose to be like 5 years old when in reality the characters are adults -__-...

I also tend to stop reading a story if there's characters from more than two groups in it. When there are all these characters from different groups, it's just irritating.

Then there's when people use faces. Like,
"How are you today? ;3"

That bugs me so much! I refuse to read those stories..

/ is done
or when I lose my place... I don't read it for a while but then I somehow end up coming back to it
Or when the polt is too childish. Just saying, only my opinion :P