Story Previews and trailers?

  • A) No to both...,   (52 votes)
  • B) Yes to both   (218 votes)
  • C) No trailers, yes previews   (72 votes)
  • D) No previews, yes trailers   (83 votes)
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The previews are basically your chapters.. plus a bit more
so in my opinions, it takes away from the actual chapter.
I sort of skim through the actual chapter.
But the trailers are amazing ♥
and honestly, we know you're writing. We know you have a life, and may be busy. Don't worry, we won't bash you or anything for not updating in a while.
So just post when you can, honestly.
hoebaragi #2
I don't really like the idea of previews, cuz it's kinda a spoiler... :/
But it's up to you, and since you are one of my favourite authors, won't mind whatever is your decision :)
leehyosonn #3
i like surprises! don't need both..hahahaha
The trailers are entertaining
The previews get on my nerves because they're just cliffhangers and they leave me wanting to know more.
No previews. I feel like it takes away from the actual chapter once it's out.
kim_seul_young #6
Of course yes! Your trailers and previews are awesome!