which one you'd prefer to read in a story? Lu Han or Luhan? (since it's a chinese name, it matters)

  • A) Lu Han   (25 votes)
  • B) Luhan   (18 votes)
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I think writing Luhan is much easier and quicker than Lu Han. Plus I'm much more use to Luhan.
unless you’re using his full name and obviously needs his last name (like Mr. Lu) or addresses him with his full name all time, then I personally prefer Luhan. Using Lu Han would make this odd distance because every character of yours would call him by his full name and it would make it so formal. if you’re using Lu Han, you should use Han as his first name when characters address him to minimize the distance. in my opinion. to me, there’s so many implications with using his full name /because/ he’s chinese so it matters.
most of us on here are more used to seeing 'Luhan' written as one word