Does character death (main characters) at the end of a story bother you?

  • A) Yes   (6 votes)
  • B) No   (8 votes)
  • C) Depends (please comment)   (8 votes)
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Random character deaths are annoying as and should be avoided (and with random I mean killing your character off because you're too lazy to write more or to create drama for dramas sake without any real reason). Done tastefully, character death is the best.
Apadana #2
it depends for example if there is a love triangle going on in the story and the character who dies is from my favorite pairing then it would bother me otherwise it makes me happy lmao...
depends on the story plot. If it is just random and out of know where yes. If it's about depression/sucidal/trigger warning it is super sad but fits the story. If its about illnesses it also fits the story and can see it coming. Most love happy endings as do I but I have been known to do some main chars death.