Comments: Virus

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Chapter 3: TTTTTTTTT____TTTTTTTTTT this chapter is so sad i literally had my eyes glossy in the middle of the chapter....
migki_ #2
Chapter 3: omgomgomg, i like this so much, i really do, i love it. the storyline, the characterisation, the suspense. my god.. the suspense. the foreshadowing, the expectations are all there but i still can't help but read a little too fast, or stop my heart beat from picking up speed.
Chapter 3: ohohohohohoho
Chapter 3: I need a moment. This is so sad D''''': I don't even know how to form a coherent sentence. This soooo emotional /wails loudly in the corner/ Kris' affections for Tao is never ending...</3 you're really good miss bbe1989 T_T
ImBigBangsVIP #5
Chapter 3: i uh WHAT OMG WHAT WHAT
aksjdnaslkj didnt see that coming

I really like the way you formatted this. Usually when authors switch around between flashbacks and present time it gets kind of confusing but you've done a great job!! I hope they find a cure for yifan!
-cries- this is so beautiful youre writing is beautiful dont ever stop satisfying my need for taoris
Chapter 3: That was beautiful TT~TT
Chapter 2: IAM YOUR BIG FANS!!!!
Okay keep calm but BUT IAM SO ADDICT WITH YOUR FANFICTION please dont think iam freak hahaha XD
Iam waiting this amazing fabulous story update ♡
Poor my tao.. so yifan is a zombie here ㅠㅡㅠ but yifan wont do something bad to zitao right? Yifan loves zitao so much
Okay.. sorry for this random comment… /throwing heart ♡♡♡♡/
Chapter 2: Wow okay I'm just going to say I love you and you have really cemented your way as my favourite taoris writer. I'd do a proper comment next time-- when i'm free but I have got to say, this was brilliant.

I love zombie aus, I love Taoris. I just got the best of both worlds baby.
fightingme #9
Chapter 2: Ugh omg all the emotions i'm feeling right now. I don't even know if I should be sad or angry, I'm just so confused. Reading this chapter is like watching a movie without needing any visuals. Your writing is so good.
Chapter 2: omg my poor heart has been ripped from my chest and shredded into pieces T__T
Chapter 2: I'm literally scared... and almost shed a tear while reading through this :" The feels... for being left. This reminds me of Warm Bodies (I'm a crybaby) (things like this make me sad) ;3;
Chapter 2: Nearly forgot how to breathe this story is so good my god I can't wait for the next chapter this is so amazing I'm just babbling on now my god just amazing simply wonderful
Ok I was just dying from feels after I read the chapter, then I decided to listen to the song you linked then I died from feels again. For some reason I just thought it fit so much to taoris and the story!! I have a feeling kris is going to come find tao again, just to protect him, that is so sweet!!!!!
Chapter 2: let me quote something --->

'Are you leaving without me again, Zitao?'
He would say, slowly trailing after him with a smile.

...but just like his hopes and dreams, the white smoke and fog swallowed up that image, leaving him alone with his phantoms.

/wails breathlessly in the corner/

seriously, I can't form a coherent sentence because this chapter is REALLY good. like, good in every aspect. ing good. am I watching a movie because I feel like I am ;AAAAAAA;;;;;;;
there are sooo many mysteries that need to be revealed and and and I--- ;AAAAAA;;;;;;
you don't know how excited I was when I saw that Virus was updated. your updates make me happy you don't know. you're like, officially one of my favorite authors now. I love you & your stories so much they're amazing D''':
I love how you write an angst & mystery & thriller & horror so good like this! I'm a big fan of the said genre and I rarely find a good mystery/horror/thriller/suspense(/omg what is this lol) fanfic like yours. you write this very well, there's huge grief & horror & EVEN ROMANCE (HOW YOU--) in ONE FREAKING CHAPTER.
you're amazing, really, I think if you keep learning & writing you'll make a best-selling novel one day. I'll definitely buy it. you mess with my heart and I like it u_u one moment it was sweet one moment it was sad.
I'll definitely review & recommend this story. you deserve to be known (at least imo). I'm looking forward for the next update. thank you so much for writing & sharing this with us :)

P.S. sorry for being stupid & spazzing wildly in your comments box OTL
ImBigBangsVIP #15
Chapter 1: THIS IS SO PERFECT I CANT. I just love all of your stories so much. I can already tell this one will be a personal favorite no matter how wet my keyboard gets. i cant wait to read the rest
Chapter 2: This is chapter one and I am already in tears ;~; I couldn't tear my eyes away from reading this.. You switch back from present to past in a way thats not confusing. I've said it before, I really, really love the way you write. The way you describe every important detail with just the right words.. How you give us an exact image of how their world is supposed to look like. I'm probably going to cry my way through this whole story hahaha xD Can't way what you have in store for us <3333
ShineeChicken87 #17
Chapter 2: Whoa...I don't know what to say. This is just the first chapter! This is going to be bad, but in the good way. As always dear keep up the great work.
Chapter 2: Holy hell, I don't know what I'm feeling right now I'm a mix of emotions. I don't know if I can go on you are one of the best writers I know. Just woah.
Chapter 2: oh my gooooood you should really see my face i look like the painting scream right about now! I don't know how you do it, literally every chapter/story you write keeps me so captivated and I get so drawn into them it's like I can really imagine what's going on and I LOVE IT. fantastic as always <3