Comments: Paper Thin [Editing]

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Chapter 54: Ooh what a shame, and I was hoping for this to be an update! Nevertheless, it’s alright. You shouldn’t push yourself to write something that you don’t feel like!! I really liked this story but I’ll surely check your future ones!!! ;D
Chapter 54: Kinda sad hearing this from you, but then i understand if the writer or artist or any idea maker tinking that the output or the result didnt satisfying enough then only the original maker who understand why it doesnt satisfying or doesnt good enough. Anything you will write sooner oe later i will suppport you! Fighting and keep learning^^
Chapter 54: It's sad, but you as the author know this story better than anyone, and also know what's the best for it. If you ever feel like continuing it again, I will go back to read it. And while at this indefinite wait, I will check out your other stories. :3
Chapter 54: I hope you can continue it in the future but its okay really!! its your decision its your choice and i think its really common when you dont know how to do anymore..
I am really thankfull to you with all of your effort in all your amazing stories!! XD Wish the best for you n your next stories.. always keep your health and be happy!!! XD
Chapter 54: Aw man, just when I finished up with this semester and had free time to read and comment I get this notification o(╥﹏╥)o

My heart. I will miss this story so much. In all honesty, you're an amazing writer and I loved every chapter you had written so far, rich with characters and plots and action. Whatever it is has led you this, I hope you continue to write other stuff and I look forward to it. Even if they're simple oneshots. Keep yo head as best as you can. And good luck, yeah?
Chapter 54: Heyyyyy author-nim... I do love the book but... I want you as the author to love what you are doing. Writing a book.... is no easy feat especially while trying to piece puzzles back into it's place and trying to reveal the twists or catch of the story. As much as I am sad to not see this book be completed... however! Your health and well-being is more important. Writing about something you want to tell people or what kind of story you are trying to give people is something that could be done easily especially if someone likes it. But... if it starts to feel like a chore... then I would rather have you rest than write. You are an amazing author! Yeah maybe this book will never get an ending but you might write an even better book with a unique plot line! To me... As long as you are happy in what you want to do and the decisions you have made.... then I am happy ^^

See you around author-nim ^^
Chapter 54: That’s understandable. May we know at least how the story was going to end? It’s always hard when you’re invested in a fic, and it gets discontinued without any idea about how everything would’ve tied up in the end. Or at least, can we know how Suho would’ve warmed up to the OC? I think that’s what a lot of us were anticipating most of all. To see them fall in love after all of this. ;;
shiryokeii #8
Chapter 54: It's better to stop a story than force it to have and end. I think you took the best decision as an author. I hope you can come out with more goodd stories that are good not just for us readers but also you the creator. Thank you so much for the incredible story that you gave us.
Chapter 54: Its totally okay if you feel like that! You shouldn't force yourself to finish or do something you don't enjoy anymore! If you really feel upset about the story going to waste or something, you could always just rewrite the chapters, another author i read stories of on here had like 50 something chapters, wasnt happy with it and started all over and trust me we loves it the first time and we are still loving it! And now she is aswell, but she is also taking her time with it, which is totally cool! My point is, if you want to stop, you should totally, but if you dont want to lose the story you could take your time and rewrite! Whatever your decision i hope you'll be happy <3
hdez1004 #10
Chapter 54: Thank you for your honesty and I hope you find the inspiration to write more awesome stories.We'll be waiting.
Chapter 53: This story is awesome and it always manages to keep me on the edge of my seat. Amazing work author-nim:))
Chapter 50: Take good care of your health^^ we love you^^
Chapter 50: I'm so sorry for everything happening to you, I can't even imagine.
If you have to take a pause, or many pauses, it's okay, we just want you to be okay as much as you can! :)
dblaze #14
Chapter 53: I still don't trust byul but with the angst w her meeting w suho it's either "hey let's break up"or "ur preggo ! " Shet just got real! XD
Chapter 53: I'm happy Lina is opening up to the boys..I'm really curious about one thing though about the boys feeling when they were together with byul.Did they really love byul or did they not feel anything about her since you know they thought byul was their vessel and stuff but in reality was not. I know for sure that Luhan, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo didn't really love byul at all but not so sure about the other boys..hope you'll clarify about the boys feelings..One thing I also want to know about byul and deep is their relationship, I mean they had kown each other for three months and they were dating so anything can happen..So please throw us some explanation as far as my dirty mind is concern I can't think straight.. I really feel sorry for byul though poor girl tangle in wrong string of fate, she is bound to get hurt..As so Lina I'm sure everything will work out just fine for her but still I petty her , she had to stay away from byul in order to not put her in danger..And for the love of god I'm damn curious about Suho..His characteris so frustrating it's making me crazy..I want a fluff moment of baekhyun and luhan.. Most importantly how is your health??
Jenduekie #16
Chapter 53: baekhyun and kris hehehe
Chapter 53: Actually i have no idea what is suho thinking when he acts around lina or maybe behind lina's back. He always acting like hard headed boy and i always feel frustated when he appear...sorry suho but you really frustating me :(

i wonder what they talking about and i'd like to see xiumin and chen next~
Chapter 53: Kai character did total 180 flip from his last appearance I remember, he was that mysterious, unreachable guy before and here he is being all cute and all... I think until now only Suho is the one not to have this feeling towàrds Lina almost all of them have showed the signs..
erunino09 #19
Chapter 53: ahh too many mystery isn't revealed yet. i want to know more about lina's power, i'm sure there is more than meet an eye. and what kind of person actually lina is. she has too many side that is shown yet.
and how about the boys honest feeling ? about lina and their relationship with her..

and could we get lay or tao for the next fluff ? lol