Comments: Paper Thin [Editing]

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Chapter 51: Authornim! I miss BaekHyun and Lina interaction! ?❤?

Ps: Thanks for the update. Stay healthy. :)
SRS375 #2
Chapter 51: get well soon :)
and future me will be very happy to read more about baekhyun.
ToriOstro #3
Chapter 51: Glad you are doing what you love in moderation to get yourself healthy again!!
Chapter 51: Praying for your health !!! That's the most important !! If you are going to write just relax take as many breaks as you can bcs nothing is as precious to us as you are !!! Don't worry we will be here to support you!! Sending lots of love and prayers!!
Xiaoluhun #5
Chapter 51: Hmmm just take it easy then.

I would love to see baekhyun in the next chap. I miss their special relationship ^^".
Chapter 51: Quite surprised that you updated. I also think everything will work out if you read and write in moderation; dont stress yourself~~~

I dont exactly have an idea what will the principal tell Lina but I'm thinking it would make her somewhat dejected; if what Suho is saying about his faher's character is true...Also hoping that Lina wont feel too sick. I'm surprised that aside from Tao, the boys did not try to ask her about her condition.

As for the involvements to improve, I think that you should try to inject more romantic/ fluffy scenarios with the boys? hehehe ^^ would also like to see her showing her care to the boys (aside from baek) tho I understand that it's really not in her character....

would love to see Kai in the next chapter :))))
Chapter 50: Get well soon. Take care. ?
Chapter 50: good luck babes just focus on yourself and your health x
zarahisbored #9
Chapter 50: Just take care of yourself and your family as well as school if you go to study. We will always come back to this story even if you don't complete it because your personal matters are more important.
Chapter 50: I'm glad at least that you don't have anything life threatening in your brain. It will take time but please do everything you can do feel better. Your health is number one priority. I know what it's like to be a caretaker, especially since I grew up as the oldest of the family, but you are not weak for needing help. You have chosen to fight your condition head on and follow the doctor's instructions to get better. There is nothing to be ashamed of or for you to feel less than. We all need help once in a while. You're a fighter. You're going to ge through this. I wish you all the best. When you make your comeback, I'll be here to continue to read your awesome story. God Bless.
Chapter 50: hey there, if you ever need someone to talk, I'm here. It's okay not to be okay just.. Hang in there, life but yeah you can fight it! It will work out in the end.
miyoonji #12
Chapter 50: I'm sorry that you won't be able to write for such a long time. I have a friend who also had seizures. I was the only one beside her when she got seizure once. So I was very shocked. she also got meds for one year. And she was told to maintain her stamina, which means not to be exhausted and the most important one is to have enough sleep everyday. She is now better, married and already have kids. I'll wait for the day you can continue writing here.
Chapter 50: Not everything last forever, I’m sure everything will turn out to be great for you.
My bf is also in depression, it’s been like 4years to him, if you want to talk a little bit, don’t hesitate to pm me.
I’m not sure but personally I think that talking to someone you don’t know is easier? Like, you don’t know the kind of face they’re making, the look in their eyes etc.
Anyway. Good luck sweetie !
Chapter 50: It's okay to rest, go easy with your body, but I feel that sometimes you'll get the need to write and that's okay, it's not going to damage your body, you say you have no time for sickness and I get that, but do not neglect your own health, ask others to help you, make rules, give your siblings little responsibilities that can make your life easy and that will make them more independent(if they have the age of course). Even though I'll miss your stories for the time being, I really hope this time will heal your body and mind. Get some rest, do other thing you may want to try and I understand what you say about depression, so it's okay if you look for help, do not neglect that also, I know what neglecting your emotional stability can do. Thanks for letting us know how all went, I hope you keep us updated.
asdfghjkpop #15
Chapter 50: Not everything is permanent. I hope all will be better soon! Fighting!!!
lovebysimiles #16
Chapter 50: We're fighting with you! It sounds like you have a lot of heavy stuff going on but I hope you find the strength to fight through it. Rest and health is really important. We all hope you'll take care!
Tikimana93 #17
Chapter 50: Hey. I'm really sorry that you have to go through such hard stuff and to hear dr's tell you to stop doing something that you really enjoy doing and find peace in. ( I can't imagine if someone told me to stop listening to music O.O....) But I can guarantee you that I'll stick with this story as long as it takes cause I love reading it and seeing how every character develops through each chapter.
Hang in there. I've been through some rough and still am going through stuff that sometimes makes you feel like giving up. Just know that you can step back, take a break, take a deep breath and it helps at some point. And if you ever need a good listener who you can rant to or give you a kick-motivation I can help. ^_^ Sometimes just talking makes things a bit more bearable.
So take care and don't give up!
Autumnaree #18
Chapter 50: whoa! that is a ton of stuff you are going through. Let me get straight to my amazement that you have JUST TURNED 20!?!?!?! Oh my friend you have such amazing talent! I dang near fell out of my chair when i read that. So you have to stop reading and writing and go find your zen? Sounds like you may have more stories ideas when you come out of this long hiatus. We will all wait. Go get your health on, we are going no where without you. Siblings need time an attention BUT SO DO YOU. Please take care of you too! See you when you return :)
Chapter 50: Yup.... thay all are right you are more important... so take good rest..No lots and lots of rest. Be healthy again...we are waiting here no matter how long it takes so just get well soon.
Lalaywa #20
Chapter 50: oh no. Don't worry about us. We will stick by your side and wait for you, no matter how long it will take. So take your time. Be healthy, and take care of yourself. I send you all the best and all of my energy so that you can keep on going strong no matter how hard life is!!! Fighting!!!!