Need genuine advice. please

My elder bro and me has never been expressive towards each other since childhood. I kind of always felt that "if he can then why can't I" for eg: if he gets to learn to drive then y can't i, if he gets to buy a new cellphone at high school then why cant I after my high school etc etc. I never considered the situation and condition of our family. And after so many downs in our family life Now i feel i understand and love my fam such as elder bro including others more. But everytime i talk with him on phone and he says something jokingly i reply something harsh i dont really mean it i say it in a joking way but i feel he gets hurt coz after that he stops talking to me and gets busy in his own work while i talk with mom or i am just overthinking. But i can really sense it that it went wrong kina feeling. please give some advice on this genuinely i need it.
5 years ago
Tell someone close in your family. Or at least explain to him the situation, he’s reaching out to you and you’re slapping his hand away. Start with a little step at first, though. I understand your situation as I’m not close with my elder brother at all, but I’m trying to fix the relationship.
5 years ago
Well, I’m someone who has been in your brother’s shoes. I think it would be good to just text him from time to time. Next time you speak to him, maybe you could be a little careful with your words. If you say something that you feel would hurt him, then just male it clear that you were pulling his leg and joking
5 years ago
I have a lot of typos but im on mobile, sorry!
5 years ago
Have you ever considered that your brotger doesnt realize the unfair treatment? To him, it’s normal and usually those in a receiving end don’t realize special treatment. However, as someone who has gone theough it for years, i can say that confrontation, with the givers, not your brother bc it doesnt seem like he is the problem, often results in backlash or temporary resolve. My best advice would to be to grow from this experience instead of brood over it. As people, we must learn to grow from life’s unfair treatment of us instead feeling bad for ourselves. On top of that, try to take this as a good thing, if you were never handed things as simply as him, chances are is you know the value of objects and are a good worker!
skjksk 5 years ago
Have you tried confronting him ab it? Like just actually going to him and talk ab these things and make your intentions clear like "hey, I hope you didn't get hurt when I said those things, I meant them as a joke"
Tenney14 5 years ago
there might be mistakes in english. hope u understand.