Can we stop featuring mature content in the non-mature section?

If AFF doesn't take any action then we will. Always report if you see mature content that isn't rated as 'mature'. People purely do it JUST to get featured, because it requires less subs/votes to get a non-mature story featured. I am literally disgusted that some authors are willing to expose minors (or people in general) to content they didn't sign up for in order to get featured. GET YOURSELF TOGETHER.
4 years ago
@shinyao LMAO
shinyao 4 years ago
@MissMinew You'd almost say people got nothing better to do, but then again HERE WE ARE ON AFF LMAO
4 years ago
Amen! But I would also like to appeal for communication. If a comment (or PM) to the author about how the story should be M-rated (for whatever reason, give arguments here... Nobody likes being reported if the argumentation basically is "because I feel like it") doesn't work - report. I never quite understood why someone would go to the trouble of labelling each chapter as M instead of the entire story? What a hassle, lol.
liquorandice 5 years ago
@shinyao Ooh yea the 10:3 seems like a pretty good standard.

Honestly an issue I have more than the M one is as much as I don't mind triggering stuff I really hate when people DONT put a TW tag because "they dont want to give out any spoilers" or they just put it in text that can easily be overlooked (in the middle of a paragraph, or in general just not written in emphasis).

It's happened a few times that I read something and next thing I know I'm feeling shaken or triggered because I wasnt given any kind of warning.
shinyao 5 years ago
@liquorandice People should be more aware of the TW function as well, yes! And no problem. I personally that if you have like 10 chapters and 3 of them are mature then your story IS m-rated.
shinyao 5 years ago
@chroma You can always try and report them and then it's up to the moderator if they think it's suitable for minors or not. Although I tried this once too and it got rejected, so I personally don't trust the mods' ability to judge a whole lot.
shinyao 5 years ago
@SomeHowAwesome Yep sadly people actually do it. It literally happens every week and in the feautured/popular section probably at least once a month.
liquorandice 5 years ago
Hmm I thonk my response to this might depend on context of story. In my years in AFF I don't think I've read a non M rated story actually be predominantly M. Or maybe I overlook it.

If it's every few chapters there's M as long as the chapter itself is rated I think it's fine but if story wise it's predominantly Mature that's when it's already inappropriate.

I'll try to be more conscious of M and TW themes and report/comment on the story whenever I feel like it's needed to be done. Thanks for making me realize that this is a thing
5 years ago
I used to find stories get featured in non-rated sections, but when I looked into the chapters, most of them were rated as [M] and I was (still am) like ??????? And if I rmb correctly, those are from the same author but I can't seem to find them anymore uwu
5 years ago
Do people actual do this? That's so surprising to me! As an [M] writer, I've never thought of doing that to a story. Like, I understand, the [M] featured section is usually always dominated by oneshots, however the fact that people are doing that is just plain wrong. It's great and all to have a lot of people read your fic, but I don't think that being featured is that important to subject unsuspecting people to mature content.