recent frustrations regarding AFF/fics in general?

I noticed I got a little frustrated about stuff so I just decided to post them here (I probably sound rude but I don't mean to, I know how hard being a writer can be as I'm one myself too.)

- people who don't properly tag (when I see tao/kris in the main tags I expect them to appear, they don't need to be the mains but they should at least have more than one sentence. that or just don't tag them as the main characters.)

- people who give a life story instead of a summary (yes I know it's scary when it's your first story and your main language isn't English but I would like to know what the story is about. If I wanted to get to know you I would go to your profile.)

- when AFF decides to be a b**** and doesn't let you upload the mood board you just spent half an hour on

PrincessSisi 6 years ago
I think for me as both a reader and a writer I wish the search functions were a bit better. Like being able to search stories I am subscribed to by tags (although maybe that is a thing and I am just clueless)
PrincessSisi 6 years ago
I agree with the tagging being a bit all over the place.
[deactivated] 6 years ago
I would also greatly appreciate it if AFF could make the "complete story on one page" a thing. As an author you can read your story already in this way but for some reasons, when I want to use it for a story, it doesn't appear (could be me and my failing AFF fics when it comes down to these things though....).
6 years ago
i think i mostly get frustrated of like fic-things and ways things are described (which is mostly just my problem as opposed to a problem with aff in general). a few thing that does bother me on aff, though, are

1) character limits (although it has become better but it's still just a pain in the .)
2) triggerwarnings not being used correctly and the fact that the triggerwarning-rating is directly related to the m-rating. like you cannot triggerwarn a story without m-rating it first and it bothers the out of me. i know, in many cases, the two actually does belong together but there are some things, such as some mental disorders and bigotry that could require a triggerwarning but doesn't require an m-rating. that just bothers me so much. (i mean, is it difficult to make two separate options??)
6 years ago
Yeah, proper tagging is an issue, especially when certain pairings that are important to the stories are not tagged. Sometimes, I'm reading a story and almost get an whiplash when my NOTP appears out of nowhere, even more when I'm not in the least prepared. Of course, the cons for the author is that their story isn't getting as much traffic as it could because it isn't tagged properly and people don't find it easily when searching.

But I can tell you that things have become much better compared to a few years back as far as the summary/foreword go. People back then didn't know the difference between the Description and the Foreword which often led to unpleasant reading experiences, and those who knew were far and in between. Some made series of blogposts or guides to a writer's etiquette which helped a lot.

Seeing as AFF has certainly changed over the years, somebody knowledgeable should make another blog series or guide on what not to do if you're a writer such as using the tags properly, the difference between M-rated and TW-rated, what exactly a trigger is and how to identify them in your story, how layouts can be difficult to work around for the reader and more. Unfortunately, I don't think people who know such things have a lot of free time (as they are usually a bit older than the rest) to take on such a project. Who knows? Maybe someday, someone will.