Advertisement Bidding

Why do people wait to the legit last minute to out bid you in the advertisement shop????

Like there are so many days in a month, and twelve months in a year, would it have killed you to just pick another day *eye roll*

It's so annoying (especially when they use that auto-bid feature)
6 years ago
That's the tactic people use to get the bid, I guess T_T Even if it's annoying, the only way you can compete is by doing the same thing :c
6 years ago
that's just the strategy of bidding lmao i always do that when i'm bidding for stuff on ebay
6 years ago
@marquis I'm well aware of how bidding works, I was just ranting out of frustration
[deactivated] 6 years ago
That's what bidding is. That's just the nature of auctions; You bid, someone outbids, you bid again, etc. until someone gets it. If you don't like how auctions work, don't bid.
[deactivated] 6 years ago
in the end, everyone has a selfish nature and there's nothing unfair about people waiting until the last minute or even last few seconds like I did. I've been overbid before so I do know this frustration but if you want something, you'll do whatever you can to win it. plus people try to look for the days where there are fewer karma points already bid so they won't want to let go of that specific date. or maybe some people just want a specific date bc it's someone's birthday or something.
6 years ago
Well, the bidding is basically whoever has the highest wins. It's really not based on fairness and bidding never is. Everyone wants to win a bid with the least karma or the nearest day and it's just something that makes sense.
6 years ago
@BlackRosesTears *sigh* i know.......
Thats what makes it more irritating
6 years ago
@chanimon I know it can get annoying but I don't think that there is something you can do so they stop
6 years ago
@BlackRosesTears Its annoying asf.... somtimes its just let people get some promo
6 years ago
Because like that you are not able to overbid them and they win.
People on other sites like eBay behave like that too