How to flirt?

... I have no idea. Any tips? (-_- ')
7 years ago
@IceQueen112 Haha, you're welcome! I was going to delete it a few days ago but I was thinking the same as you...maybe these tips would help someone :)
7 years ago
@Lucindaes Thank you so much, sorry for the late reply. Yeah lovin those awkard silence moments...
[deactivated] 7 years ago
Lol, I'm not a good flirt in fact I flirted like a monkey flirting with banana, looked so damn desperate, but hey thanks for this discussion, I think I'll just scroll down through the comment to know how to flirt ^^
7 years ago
The key is BE NATURAL. Don't make anyone understand you're "trying" or "trying too hard". Just talk confidently, have a little physical contact (maybe touch his arm/forearm but not too ovbiously), be gentle at him and smile (don't worry about this passage, it will come to you natural since I suppose you like him), ask about himself, joke with him or about something, except, don't ask to him questions about you two. Like "do you think I'm cute?" or "do you think we can work this together?" or such. It's awkward. You can look the best if you pretend you're casually "meeting" a friend and flirting is just something that comes natural. I'll give you another advice but this is really personal: I am quite the lively girl, I'm like SNSD Tiffany, but I have a really deep humor. If you know a funny story about something, that's simple and funny, go ahead and tell him. But be ready to back yourself up if he doesn't like it, just don't let the conversation go into the "awkward zone" or worse the awkward silence!!! Wish you the best luck, flirting is super fun.♥
7 years ago
@Ellyjelly96 Thank you so much for the tips, but I'm afraid I'll not be using them for a long time from now....
7 years ago
1. Eye contact
2. Smile
3. Push your hair behind your ear (I dunno, people take it as a sign your interested)
4. Ask them about themselves to show you're interested.
5. Tease them playfully with jokes, banter (You could play-fight if you know them)
6. Tell them you like hanging with them
7. Ask them what they think of you
8. Subtly ask them out to flirt some more! (Talk about food or what you both like to do for fun)
7 years ago
@Armyster yeah, you do that :) Good luck :D
7 years ago
@jojojoana Next time I'll sit on his lap and if he still can't take the hint I'll find myself someone bit more sensitive xD he's a nice boy
7 years ago
@Armyster I know him thru work so buying a drink deal is off lol XD True af tho.. damn that boi he couldn't take a hint
7 years ago
@jojojoana European style of flirt? Buy him a drink. Tho us Europeans aren't that good at telling if someone if flirting with us. I mean I was in a party and met a very charming young man (actually only few months older than I) and I tried to flirt with him. He didn't get it. I went so far I actually held his ing hand and he didn't notice. He was too busy at talking with his friend about CUCUMBERS. The friend looked at me like the f is she doing.

And I know that dude is single since my friend who is a close friend of his told.
7 years ago
@Armyster how about european style of flirt? XD that might work... people tend to smile if they see the other smile as well ... let's not get our hopes up tho...I have no idea when will I see him again XD
7 years ago
@jojojoana In that case, I read (in Japan) girls flirt when they play with their hair and people love that. Also smiling and maybe tiny touch (TOUCH NEUTRAL BODY PARTS such as hands and arms) and being nice to everyone but super nice to him and maybe if you seem extra happy when you see him. Be yourself but maybe a tiny bit more if you understand what I mean
7 years ago
@jojojoana ahh okok. well just make sure you seem interested at least then! and you're welcome and hope something comes out of this. ^^
7 years ago
@PastelWolf88 I'm bad at comebacks...laughing is the only option .. I have to practice more then -_-
7 years ago
@Armyster Ummm.....last time I checked I was a girl ... I have to ask the other because I'm not really sure what he is
7 years ago
@YouWillFly The initiative must come from him because I can't ask him out XD Yeah, same kind of...never had a true relationship.. Thank you, I'm gonna need it :D
7 years ago
@RousseC21 When you like someone you spend more thinking what to say just in case so it's not something stupid XDD I have no confidence at all..Thank you :)
7 years ago
@jojojoana haaha sorry, but hey that's a good thing. you have an interest in him. that still means something. ^^
as for the confidence part, that is good. glad to know.
hmm, let's see... as what my brother always tells me (who has been in three relationships) just go for it. see how it goes. do something basic like coffee and talk or a hangout with a group of friends or something like that.
i can't really say anything as i've never been in a relationship my self, but my brother just tells me to go and talk and such.
major good luck!!
7 years ago
@YouWillFly Uh it's so easy to say that... I don't like *like* him that much yet but I can't let the chance go without even trying .. There's nothing to lose :) I'm working in that confidence part...
7 years ago
@Nathalaia I read that in Joey's voice haha
Smile is my only 'weapon' ... That's all I can do and it works.....sometimes XD
7 years ago
@Miley94 My normal self has no charms at all and talking with someone I like is hard for me. D:
[deactivated] 7 years ago
Go with the flow. If the other says something funny or compliments something, make a comeback xD for reals, it's hard to go and flirt with someone without having a conversation.
7 years ago
Are you girl or boy or other and are you trying to flirt to girl or boy or other?
7 years ago
Primero lo primero, confianza en uno mismo. No te dejes llevar fácilmente por todo y sé cautelosa a hablar. Suerte!!
7 years ago
flirting is being coy and playful while being cool and aloof as well. lol
but it's just easier to be yourself.
it all depends if you like the person or not as well.
but can't really say as everyone is different and it only works if you have confidence in yourself.
7 years ago
Approach your love interest in a swagger, send them a wink, and say, "How you doin'?"

(For real, though, I have no good advice asides from SMILE. And be yourself. If being yourself doesn't include smiling, well. There we go XD)
7 years ago
Don't try to be somebody you're not so don't overdue but show that you care and you're interested by hints :)