Rpg (62 rpg stories)

Apartment 32C

Jongin moved into his new apartment recently. He wants to try living alone for a while and not depending on his family so much. However, why does he keep getting packages that he did not order?

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Looking for rpg

By Saeah1312 Updated
Tags  rpg 
With 60 views, 81 words

Hey there, I´m looking for someone to start a roleplay with. I prefer a plot based on the mafia-romance theme but I´m pretty open.  A bit about me: English isn´t my first language, but I prefer to use it in rp. Answers can sometimes take a bit longer since my real life is more important, but I always try to let you know before. Please don´t ghost me, just say that you don´t want to continue. 

╰☆☆ FIREFLY ☆ NEW 5MVT KRP ☆ MEWE ☆ LGBTQ ☆ SEMI-LIT ☆☆ share your unique light with us!

By FireflyKRP Updated
With 2 subscribers, 380 views, 1 comments, 490 words

Compendium of Korean Names

By Neulji Updated
Tags  korean   ocs   resources   rpg   applyfichelp   koreannames   rpghelp   ochelp 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 890 views, 24050 words

Lists of Korean names for OCs. I collected them myself from various Korean online forums.

The World Tidbit

By gusdefrog Updated
Tags  you   test   rpg 
Characters Darkfire, Bramble, Strings
With 1 chapters, 270 views, 1351 words
Status Completed

 Testing the idea of in you in The World.

Looking for a Sekai RP partner!

By lovxlysehun Updated
Tags  sekai   rpg 
Characters Sehun ⎮ Jongin
With 140 views, 2 comments, 476 words
Status Completed

If you've always wanted to rp in a Sekai rp or were looking for a rp partner, please check this out. 

Seven Kingdoms

By Ono_Mitsuki Updated
Characters Kyuhyun, Jessica (genderswaped - Sooyeon), Krystal, Seohyun (genderswaped), Cui Zhenli, Cao Kuixian, Jin Lixu, Fu Chongxi, Fu Yuliu, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee and f(x)
With 13 chapters, 22 subscribers, 2430 views, 4 comments, 38888 words
Status [M]

❄ Miracles in December ❄

By Goldwynn Updated
Characters Krishan, Kris, Luhan, other Exo members in small roles
With 13 chapters, 5 votes, 165 subscribers, 32 comments, 38685 words
Status [M]

Ellen's Wish

By Kyouko-Miyazaki Updated
Tags  anime   rpg   thewitchshouse   horrorrpg   rolplayinggame 
Characters Ellen, Viola, Neko
With 1 subscribers, 110 views, 1 comments, 86 words

"It's just for a day, Viola. Please?" Nobody understood Ellen. She was a sick girl, her family didn't care about her, and the only companions she had died.  One day, when a demon came along and offered her a wish, she couldn't refused. However, she had to kill her family as a sacrifice. Now, she became a witch, one that could use body-trading magic. One day, a girl comes along, her name was Viola.

DevAngel RP

By SicaBear Updated
Tags  rpg 
With 90 views, 2 comments, 263 words

Hi ^^ Im new here,but i got this diead so i might as well do it. xD Uhmm Just call me Sicabear xD Well this is a new RPG. Everyone can join. (i would love that actually ) xD it will have EVERYTHING an idol rp will need.    WGM dorm. Cafe. Club, (for the naughty people too) We even have sismance and bromance dorms xD etc. We dont have any rp's that u can't make twice,for e.g: Jessica.