Princessdiariesau (2 princessdiariesau stories)

I Have A Crush On Hyung

The story starts with a 13-year-old boy, a preteen on the brink of adolescence, who musters the courage to express his secret feelings for his older brother's best friend, fondly referred to as Hyung. In a quiet living room, the air was thick with the ex

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Miracles Happen

By hamsterboo Updated
Characters Byun Baekhyun, Anastasia Ross (OC)
With 6 chapters, 16 votes, 69 subscribers, 1040 views, 25 comments, 12531 words
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Baekhyun sighed as he walked through the gilded hallways of the palace. He hadn’t grown up surrounded by the golden columns, the jade green accents running along the ceiling and floor, and the paintings of the former monarchs of country, but he had grown to love the palace as it were his own in the past seven years of becoming acquainted with the sound of his shoes clicking on the tiles and the peace he felt when he step