Highlightdongwoon (2 highlightdongwoon stories)

I Have A Crush On Hyung

The story starts with a 13-year-old boy, a preteen on the brink of adolescence, who musters the courage to express his secret feelings for his older brother's best friend, fondly referred to as Hyung. In a quiet living room, the air was thick with the ex

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It's Okay, It's A Wonderful Love

By ilovefranco Updated
Characters Son Naeun, Im Hyunsik, Lee Taemin
With 150 views, 683 words

In this fast-moving world where people are preoccupied with studies, work and problems, is there even a space for love? Do people still believe in destiny? In the possibility of meeting the destined one? In the feeling called love?  Growing up, Son Naeun believed that she will meet her destiny, the same way her mom found hers in the person of her father. At the age of 10, she already wanted to meet her destined man. At 13, she wished for him to be like her father: a sweet and caring f

AOI SORA | Blue Sky Days

By colourfulwings Updated
Characters Shin Ji Eun(fictional character), Highlight
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 12 subscribers, 1170 views, 5 comments, 19779 words
Status [M], Completed