Baekhyunmarried (3 baekhyunmarried stories)

I Have A Crush On Hyung

The story starts with a 13-year-old boy, a preteen on the brink of adolescence, who musters the courage to express his secret feelings for his older brother's best friend, fondly referred to as Hyung. In a quiet living room, the air was thick with the ex

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By Junbunny18 Updated
Characters Kim Jiyah (oc) / Byun Baekhyun / Park Chanyeol
With 8 chapters, 12 votes, 82 subscribers, 830 views, 21 comments, 8473 words

Kim Jiyah have to marry the mafia leader Byun Baekhyun because of an old commitment. Baekhyun’s a player, he's super violent. Will he be able to love her?  Will she be able to love him? Will their story have a happy ending? Will they be able to live happily after?

Married With K-IDOL

By Sejin_EXOBTS_ Updated
Characters Baekhyun Seokjin Ulzzang girl Exo Bts BtoB
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 210 views, 696 words
Status Subscribers Only

Married With K-IDOL?? GILA!! Kenapa gila?? Yelah, nak cari mampus kalau fans dia dapat tahu pasal perkahwinan nie.. Nak tahu siapa Idol tu?? Dia Byun Baekhyun, EXO.. Boyband paling popular abad ini.. GILA!! Tapi yang sadisnya, Semasa perkahwinan itu berlangsung, barulah Jaein tahu siapa suaminya itu.. Kalau dia tahu awal-awal, memang sah dia lari rumah.. Apabila mereka berdua sudah bahagia, datang pulak Park Haejin, ex boyfriend Jaein.. Kedatangannya membawa satu malapetaka dalam k