Wattpad getting hacked?!

Hello, everyone!

Welcome back to the update Corner. As mycollege is getting ready to open school back to face-to-face teaching and the world is ed in 2020 with the pandemic, though I don't like to spread bad news ( not like there isn't more out there) apparently Wattpad is being hacked.

Accounts are being hacked and personal info is being sold on the dark web.

A notification from Wattpad said so and though it's a bit late and didn't get notified, it started in June 2020.

More on this Twitter thread:



I can't cover it all but that is just the gist of it. As someone who has Wattpad and sometimes but rarely go there, I still have an account so this is scary to think that my information might be sold in the dark web 😬.

For my sake, I'm thinking of deleting it or deactivating it. I'm not sure. And please if you do have Wattpad account, consider doing this or changing your password on email and Wattpad account.

What do you think about this?


This has been the update Corner!

Thank you for your time and stay safe!

22 Jul 2020

10:53 pm



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