➳  LUNE 블랙 。° ☀️ 기선예

cr. trxsh

lune 블랙's
main vocalist.

   vocal: clc's
   dance: blackpink's 김지수.
trainee time: sunbank media, 5 years, 3 mos.
trainee life:

sunye isn't sure how to handle kind, polite people and is terribly wary of the treatment she receives but eventually, she opens up and mirae encourages that she does deserve everything good coming to her. yejeong is upgraded to "best friend" stature in the midst of sunye balancing her wounded inner-child.

having to break the news to her parents about wanting to train to become an idol made sunye all the more anxious but they agreed easily to it so long as they did not have to pay off any debts accummulated on her behalf; so long as it was a debt that sunye would have to pay off alone. cutting that deal with her very own parents, wounded sunye a bit but when she weighed the pros, at least she would no longer be in the care of people who found her to be a "burden" anyway.

the other sunbank trainees were angels in comparison to the cruel atmosphere that sunye was used to at school and even this left her feeling skeptical. they'd greet her, include her and really, why were these trainees so nice to her as soon as she walked into a training room? it baffled sunye for the longest but soon, she became used to it. the treatment she was receiving was the treatment she deserved, at least that's what mirae had told her when she noticed the teen's apprehension. sunye worked diligently, she listened, replicated and conquered tasks thrown at her all while growing close to a few girls especially
yejeong. but still, it was so hard to let go of the sunye that was wounded over and over again, despite the amount of love she was receiving through friendships.

of course sunye's taken aback when the distateful article circulates the internet but it only opens up avenues for more faceless bullies to come forth and express fake "health concerns". despite the lack of true "evidence" from this so-called nutritionistsunye is placed a diet by the company for a matter of two months just to "trim" her up a bit meanwhile, the netizens still think she's the heaviest thing in k-pop to date.
[ +241, -45 ] heol...a pig...
[ +96, -12 ] she was this fat in school too. i went to the same school and she slept with guys to feel validated.
[ +95, -3 ] lose weight unnie, you're too pretty to be fat. fighting~~
birthname:  ki sunye, 기선예.
other names: 

하나  #SUNNY   #선니  despite her sad nature, when people meet sunye, they immediately associate the middle character of her name and turn it into something rather cutesy.
 #SAHARA KEY   #사하라 기  if she has to choose an "official english name", she'd choose this one. not for any particular reason, she just likes the way it sounds.
birthdate: july 26, 1996.
birthplace: ansan, south korea.
hometown: seoul, south korea.
ethnicity: asian.
nationality: (south) korean.

하나   #KOREAN  native language. sunye knows the language like the back of her hand and is even happier when foreigners attempt to speak to her in her mother tongue despite their pronounciation.
 #ENGLISH  very, very basic. don't even ask sunye to introduce herself because she'll hestitate thinking she's about to say the wrong thing but turns out, it's the right word, just awful pronounciation.

faceclaim: clc's 오승희.
backups: loona's 조하슬.
height & weight: 162cm, 55kg.
appearance: "voluptuous sunye", some would deem her while others have often felt inclined to remark on her wide hips and tiny waist-line, seemingly mocking her as if she was given a choice in the genetic pool to choose. even now, it's extremely hard to face the woman in the mirror when all she can see is how "wide" she is, so instead, sunye tries to focus on other things about herself. like the decision to hack off her long, dark locks and dying it an intoxicating, y cinnamon shade while allowing her natural texture to take residence over the slightly damaged locks. or when she decided that laser eye surgery would suit her better than continuously plopping those horrendous, round glasses on the bridge of her nose; her eyes were large enough on their own without the extra attention. even sunye decided that a little dieting couldn't hurt but within a week, easily crashed and gave up, cursing her hips and all. it just seems that no matter how much she changes externally, sunye will always despise her body internally.

howl to the lune


 #룬    #룬블랙   #기선예     #선예  


sunbank media would be the chance to make a name for herself—a "safe haven" to escape a life of bullying—even if it takes eons to debut, she was willing...at least that's what sunye chanted over and over again to herself while she nervously auditioned. sunye's wish to debut wasn't something she had totally been sold on but desperate times called for desperate measures and when one's supposed love-ones seemed to drown out any cries for help, then one had no choice but to take their matters into their own hands.

so with very little ambition, sunye was taken under sunbank's wing and she held onto every chance she could obtain, even with rude opinions forever etched onto the comment sections of articles on the internet.

the outer workings . . .
she gapes at the mirror in front of her just as the make-up artist completes their finishing touches on her huge, oversized eyes. every single time sunye catches a glimpse of her reflection, her stomach sinks and her breath catches. she looks like a person who could be an idol but in truth, sunye feels the least bit like one. how can she when she lacks the charisma that the others seem to possess? how can she call herself an idol when she holds just one title in the entire group, only specializing in vocals while being a subpar dancer and even more horrible "rapper" to top it off? isn't that why people like itzy's yeji or iz*one's chaeyeon receives so much praise because they're triple threats? what real talent did she contribute to lune black other than a few ablids feathered throughout a song and then dreadfully realizing the cameras are panning to a prettier face during her very parts?

a pathetic tear escapes her and quickly, sunye reaches forward to search for a tissue to wipe it before it can mess up her mascara further when her yejeong offers up a handkerchief. with a sad but forever grateful smile, sunye plucks the item from her pretty manicured fingers and carefully cleans around her eyes before anyone could scold her. where would she be if it wasn't for yejeong? the only person she can full-heartedly and entirely count on (albeit, the other women of lune black are good companions as well). it was in these very moments when sunye was alone—or in the company of yejeong—that she can truly be herself and not pretned to be a "pillar of the support" in case any of the other members ever become flustered or anxious.

the irony of it all, sunye thought gloomily just when their manager walks in to remind them of the minutes left before they would have to clamber up to the stage. the older women follow behind in order to meet up with the rest of the members just as they chattered nervously amongst one another. sunye, being the motherly presence of lune sends a comforting simper to each member before leaning in to start a group hug. "we've got this," sunye begins before another well-spoken member hastily picked up where she left off.

the staff around hurriedly begins to clip on the microphones and inserting the battery packs into the inserts of their stage costumes when sunye feels the texture of paper press into the palm of her shaking hand.  instantly, a calm sweeps over her as she tucks the needed message into the sleeve of her velvet, ebony jacket. "did you get it?" ( main dancer ) inquires, a knowing smile itching to break across her pretty face. "did you read it yet?" with a shake of her head, sunye turns to adjust the battery pack just when a staff member ushers the six of them to the stage. 




"you've got a future star on your hands," the chorus teacher started to praise sunye while her nonchalant parents plaster on their fake smiles of interest, glancing every few seconds down at the tiny teen with hidden vexation. "she's got the voice of an angel," they continued to gush as her parents fake simpers began to falter with boredom. all her life, sunye was often complimented by elders for her singing voice but it fell upon her parents' seemingly "deaf" ears as there were more "important" matters to consider. like how they were going to pay off the student debt that sunye's older brothers (seonra and seongi) had managed to rack up while attending university.

sunye wouldn't be allowed the same luxury, after all and her parents loved to remind her of this. "we can't send you," her mother would begin as if she hadn't heard it a thousand times before. but if sunye was to point it out, she'd only be scolded by her traditionally strict father about "speaking out of turn"; they never listened anyhow. it's why seonra and seongi ran away to college the first chance they could. it's why they didn't care if they accummalated so much debt.

sunye would consider home a lonely place as she ate dinner alone, spent time alone and remained alone most of the time due to her parents' hectic work schedule. in truth, school would have been a home for sunye if most of the student body didn't seem to despise her for no apparent reason. she was often the center of ridiculous, outrageous rumors, mainly centering around her "fat " body and how "easy" she was for guys to sleep with. being only eighteen at the time, sunye was clueless as to how handle matters and staked out in the bathroom stall of the third floor, skipping classes from time to time if the bullying became excessive. 

even the one person she had considered a "friend", shin ara turned her back on sunye when it was rumored that she had slept around with ara's then-boyfriend, seo kyungsu. but the scandalous rumors only thickened when one of the girls in class 2B discovered sunye's safe-haven (the stall) and labeled it her "ing spot" instead. the teachers turned a blind-eye to the horrific name-calling, the dean gave poor advice and sunye's parents brushed it off as, "children will be children". each morning, sunye would pull on the school uniform with tears in her eyes and every evening, she was dragging her feet back to the lonesome abode with a puffy face and swollen eyes.

then, she received an unexpected text message full of advice from her brother sunra to audition for an entertainment company and use her god-given voice as an escape from home. even if it isn't sunye's dream initially, it's a way out of that high school with its malicious rumors and nonchalant attitude of the educators all while making money for herself if she did end up debuting in the end. "besides, i know mom and dad don't care," the text screamed out to her but tears never developed, "they complain so much about you nowadays, they'd rather pick up extra shifts at work then come home." it stung, it tore her to heart to pieces but coming from sunra, this wasn't anything new to her; she'd always had an inkling anyhow. she always knew. so, dressed from head to toe in her school uniform, sunye decides to skip school last minute and manages to make it just in time to audition for sunbank media, a company that sunra mysteriously knew wanted trainees to add to their roster.

and miraculously, sunbank specifically jung mirae wanted her too.

continue in "trainee life" . . .

 #정미래    #최고 경영자   #1985 
jung mirae is the one person that sunye is sort of intimidated by but not because of her standoffish nature, impressive title or anything of that sort. it's because sunye wants to impress the ceo of sunbank media and prove that mirae, indeed did not waste this opportunity on her. mirae seems to show appreciation towards sunye which puts the younger woman at ease, for the most part. she also values mirae's input and is willing to adjust to make her happy. while other companies would bash (jokingly or not) their own ceos, sunye has nothing but great things to say.
 #이태준   #취득   #1989 
since the acquisition with cj e&m, sunye really hasn't formed too much of a solid opinion of their new boss. it's like he pretends that lune black doesn't exist just so he can focus on pushing the blue girls forward and into the spotlight. perhaps he's trying to draw attention because they're younger and dare sunye say, prettier? maybe he's just selfishly concerned about making a name for himself...regardless, only speaks to him if he singles her out and other times, he's just there.
 #이태하   #재벌   #1995 
on the other hand, taeha is worth talking to. he's a university student who seems slightly interested in whatever taejun is trying to accomplsih and despite holding the title "chaebol boi" coined by one of members, sunye has had some pretty good conversations with him. taeha usually seeks her out so he can "let off steam" AKA complain and since taejun is so focused on lune blue, taeha uses that as an excuse to hang out with sunye "off the clock". taeha usually snorts in sunye's face as she jokingly glares at him, "it's not like he'll know you went to get chicken feet and soju with me, he barely notices you guys as is." well, he's not wrong. 
 #지종수   #룬블랙매니저   #1979 
ji jongsu? ah...sunye couldn't imagine a more awesome manager than him. he also happens to be the husband of her mother's sister, ki somin and father to her adorable cousin, minho but only the lune black women knows about their relation. the younger woman often abides by jongsu's rules and tries to complete the tasks assigned to her by him. although sunye cannot say she can confide in him about everything going on in her personal life, she still feels safe enough to come to him about minor, miniscule things like if they're running low on essentials or food. for the most part, the two keep it very business-like, even though it sometimes spills over into their lives when they're with the family.
 #강기란   #문장가   #1990 
giran and sunye have developed a sort of interesting relationship with one another.  #KIKI  is what they often label themselves as a duo and laugh about it whenever together. giran is like the "fill-in" older brother whenever sunra is busy with schedules or seonggi isn't available to talk. for as long as sunye's been under sunbank media, giran's been right there along with her, amplifying the group's beauty and taking them all to new heights. of course, giran becomes a bit conflicted when he notices the lune black girls being pushed to the backburner for lune blue instead but, a paycheck is a paycheck and giran has to make an income for himself...and perhaps a future boyfriend.

 #윤새율   #새리나   #룬블루   #250301   #ARIES 
saeyool and sunye are like night and daythe sun and the moon as in they are vastly different. where sunye is an insecure, sad mess of a person, saeyool is an erratic, unpredictable hot mess. they're on different sides of the spectrum but could actually balance out one another if given the chance but with sunye's apprehension, it doesn't look like it'll be possible any time soon. besides, the clear differences between the sub-units of lune speaks well enough for itself which further divides the two.
  #박예정    #룬블랙     #020997   #VIRGO  #LOWCATION 
yejeong is the best friend that sunye solely lacked during her childhood but she's even more grateful to have met her now. yejeong has been with sunbank media for so long that she was one of the very first trainees to greet sunye when she entered the room, unsure if this was the path she really wanted to "travel". since then, the two of them have been pretty unseperable and tend to spend the most time together. yejeong is just as much as sunye's confidante and more like a sister than anything else. besides, the younger woman has a heart of gold and sunye would totally "go off" *cue eye-roll* (in her mind) on anyone who was willing to tear yejeong's heart to pieces...if sunye can manage to part her lips to stand up for herself, first.
   #룬블   #070797   #CANCER  

hanbyeol's destined to become a star, it's why it's in her name after all. 

still working on this.

 #유안영   #룬블   #160101   #CAPRICORN   #SSEUGI 
yu anyeong.

still adding relationships with other collabs.
 하나 maintains an extensive seven-step beauty skin-care regimen in the morning and at night, sometimes mid-day if she feels like her skin is lacking proper moisture.
 attends a class that focuses on lyric writing as it is an avenue that she truly is interested in but doesn't know where to start; taejun and mirae are both aware of it and approve.
despises shopping on her own for it will take her hours to decide on one piece of garment only to leave the store empty-handed anyway.
prefers her tea without any added sugar, same with coffee although she's not a huge coffee fan.
다섯 rather go bare-faced then have to pile on layers of make-up which is an unbelievable contradiction to the way she feels about her appearance in general.
여섯 wants to be slimmer but doesn't like exercising, unless brisk-walking through a dog park or something.
일곱 she is attempting to get her license but to be honest, at driving so the older girls veer from the subject every time she brings it up.
여덟 her natural texture is wavy but the stylist will often straighten it.
아홉 doesn't have contact with her parents for personal reasons, but they also don't reach out.
      is the closest to her oldest brother sunra but shares the same sense of humor as seongi.
they're not enough for me to put down relationships for but both are ocs i made for other app's "love interest" sections. if you want me to link them for you, i can.
love interest
name: kim kiyeon, 김기연
faceclaim: seventeen's 권순영
personality: being the leader of  #PHOENIX , kiyeon's a talented dancer and most would say he's welling deserving of his title as the "main dancer". besides his incredible dancing skills,  #KIYEON  is also a great leader and tends to listen to s closely. this alone makes kiyeon rather empathetic but as an empath, he tends to take on the good and the bad of everyone else's concerns which ultimately leaves him more exhausted then some. kiyeon's rather stubborn as well and has a hard time thanking taejun for any opportunities given to phoenix as an after-thought even when taejun's "combinded forces" with mirae.

love story: sunye can recall the very moment she was introduced to kiyeon and needless to say, they were both awkward teenagers without a clue on how this whole "training thing" was going to go for them. kiyeon was scouted by sunbank during a dancing competition in seoul whereas sunye had a vastly different experience, auditioning and then being singled out by mirae herself (for whatever reason, sunye isn't sure till this day). from the very second she gaped in awe at kiyeon who executed a perfect dance move with little instruction whatsoever, sunye knew they were leagues apart. sunye's training cwas vocal focused whereas kiyeon's was strictly dancing with a few vocal lessons sprinkled about so it was rare that the two ever crossed paths. in the halls, if they ran into each other, a small simper and wave would do just fine as they kept it trucking to their lessons.
and then
 #LUNE BLACK  debuted, then  #PHOENIX . everything happened so fast and sunye hadn't even had a second to catch her own breath after debut when she caught site of the very group of guys she had trained with, plastered on her cellphone's screen. kiyeon was speaking into the microphone as one of the mcs questioned him about  #PHOENIX 's title track, his dark locks bleached to a lighter shade of cinnamon which complimented the smudged eyeliner technique applied by none other than giran (i'm going to assume phoenix didn't have their own stylists at the point of debut, yet). but it was when kiyeon turned to smile into the camera, his eyes twinkling with excitement as s cheered and smiled at something witty he said that sunye felt rather strange; her heart thumped harder, became dry and truthfully, she couldn't stop her own smile from forming.
but as easily as her crush for
 #KIYEON  developed, sunye knew she had to remain realistic. there was no way that kiyeon would see her as anything more than a girl he used to train with. that notion was confirmed when he was on a radio show and named a-pink's naeun as his "ideal-type".  #SON NAEUN  is the epitome of beauty: thin, dark haired and with a perfect face whereas sunye happened to be short, terribly curvy with shoulder-length, wavy hair and big eyes...there simply wasn't any comparison.
"so, kiyeon," the host of the radio show turns to the younger guy, her right eyebrow raised with anticiaption, saving the leader for last. "who is your ideal type?"
"ah, yes," kiyeon began but not before returning a mischevious smile of his own where while the other members hooted and hollered to egg him on. instantly, his mind floated to the pretty, doed eyed member of lune black, sunye with her timid nature, her sultry voice but he knew he couldn't say her. and as much as wanted to be honest, he racked his brain for the easily recognizable idol. snsd's yoona, aoa's seolhyun, bae suzy, "a-pink's naeun sunbae," he replied, slowly thinking of reasons, "she's beautiful, talented and she's an amazing person. i've heard so many great thigns about her."

ending: two idiots, they like each other. sunye develops a crush after finally taking a look at kiyeon in his raw form...kiyeon had always liked sunye but didn't think she noticed (which she didn't, at first) they're awkward, they're sweet and to be honest, they need to be friends first, confide in one another and then they can become whatever you choose.


하나  they have each other's numbers but to keep it not as obvious, kiyeon has sunye saved as "taeyang" and sunye has him saved as, "kimchi". don't ask me why.
 kiyeon once had to help sunye during a dance practice at the instruction of a trainer and let's just say, it's where kiyeon's crushing started to develop but it's not enough to write a whole essay on. 
sunye has once described her type and she chose  #SEVENTEEN  
 #HOSHI  as her ideal type (for obvious reasons), not her fault he looks similar to kiyeon *shrugs*.
다섯 kiyeon is the more nervous one despite it all. he deeply hopes that sunye will like him someday but sunye's dense.


#FAD7B3 #FBCD9D #D78E63 #B27954  application for lune


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Oof the pink and black and gradient fade are SO STUNNING you're so good at aesthetics now I'm in awe!!
leettssss goooo