replace with fc

park miyeon



The Rock ✩ this is not a reference to Dwayne Johnson but to Miyeon's stubbornness being "unmoveable" and her seldom smiling / not getting excited easily and having a resting face
Iron Woman ✩ Berri Bell members and other people in HRE called her this due to her strong personality
Stone Miyeon ✩ this is another allusion to her low excitability, resting face and strong personality
Mimi ✩ it comes from repeating the first syllable in her given name twice, Berri Bell members sometimes call her this
The Jealous Sister ✩ she was initially misunderstood to be jealous of Siyeon so Berri Bell members called her this
Boomer ✩ Miyeon may be born in 2000 but her mindset is like that of middle aged people, so Berri Bell members and fans call her this.


Korean ✩ Fluent. This is her native language, she has lived in Korea all her life.
English ✩ Advanced Basic. She learnt it as a subject in school and as part of training at Pledis.
Mandarin ✩ Basic. She learnt it as part of training at Pledis.


Miyeon is a petite girl with a pretty face, almond-shaped eyes and pouty lips. She has a slim and toned figure due to extensive dancing.


Miyeon is usually wearing nice blouses with skirts or nice dresses. She is rather modest, and usually wears long sleeved tops. She likes to accessorise her outfits with a beret. For practise, she wears basic tops paired with either shorts or jeans. Some of her outfits can be found here

Her dance shoes are white 10000 won sneakers.

Miyeon's sister had outshined her in everything since young, even more so when both decided to become idol trainees. Knowing she couldn't dethrone her sister, the princess of her former company, Miyeon came to High Rise hoping she could wear the crown too. Unfortunately the group she was put in did not garner much fanfare. They're changing to a concept she prefers now, and she hopes it will fulfil her wish of being as good an idol as her sister.

BIRTHDATE: November 14, 2000

FACE CLAIM: Loona's Heejin
BACK UP: Elris' Sohee
HEIGHT: 160cm
WEIGHT: 45kg



Positive : hardworking, caring, responsible, zealous, loyal
Neutral : strict, rigid, blunt, reserved, protective
Negative : irritable, cocky, competitive, narrow-minded, cold-hearted
ISTJ-A / Scorpio / Slytherin / True Neutral

Hardworking and zealous : Miyeon gives her all in performing as it has been her dream to perform on stage for a long time. She makes sure to practise until she can remember all the lyrics and hit all the right notes or memorise every move of a choreography and execute it perfectly before she goes for evaluations, often staying up long after the other contestants to practise alone.
Loyal and protective : It's not easy for Miyeon to make friends due to her resting face and cold nature, so she greatly cherishes those she who have proven her she can trust them and sticks by their side no matter what. If someone tries to badmouth someone she's close to, she will defend them with her life and attack them mercilessly.
Responsible and caring : Miyeon makes sure to look out for her members and keep them out of trouble. She keeps the promises she makes, and even if her heart is no longer set on something, she commits to it. She won't say "I love you" out loud, but she'll show concern for her members in small ways like asking them if they've brushed their teeth or eaten their meals, wishing them good luck before evaluations or other important things and scolding them when they are reckless.
Cold-hearted : Though Miyeon cares for her members, she has no qualms being cruel to them either, especially when she feels they are slacking too much or not putting enough effort into training. Other than people she is close to, she generally doesn't care about the well being of others. Her goal is to make it as an idol, and if she has to be the bad guy to achieve this goal, she doesn't mind doing so.
Strict and rigid : To Miyeon, failure is defeat, and therefore, she puts pressure not only on herself but also her members to be disciplined, put all their effort into training and get everything right, because to her, that is exactly how to avoid failure. She makes sure she follows her schedules and the rules set for her exactly, and often reminds her members to do the same, even scolding the contestants she cares enough about for not doing so.
Irritable : Going along with Miyeon being strict and unable to stand a lack of discipline or half-assed effort during training, she will fly into a rage when she feels her members are slacking too much and / or not giving their best, or even if you simply did or said the wrong thing at the wrong time. And once you've annoyed Miyeon, she'll yell at you till the cows come home, until she has been appeased.
Reserved : Miyeon doesn't believe in socialising simply for the sake of socialising, or up to someone she does not like. She'll only let you get close to her if she decides she likes you. Even so, she will take a long time to open up to you. She usually keeps to herself, only speaking up if she has a strong opinion, if she needs something or someone speaks to her first.
Blunt : Miyeon believes that in order to correct someone so they can improve, they need to be told exactly what they are doing wrong. Therefore, she doesn't sugarcoat her criticism and doesn't care how insensitive she is when telling people off. She’s not someone who will hide her true feelings or opinions.
Petty : Miyeon is not one to forgive easily, and holds grudges. If you've wronged her, be prepared for her to hate you until she believes you have appeased her.
Cocky : Miyeon knows she is pretty, and that her many years of training have made her very talented. Because of this, she tends to look down on the members who are not as talented and / or did not train for long.
Competitive : Since young and during her training days at Pledis, Miyeon had been often compared unfavourably to Siyeon. Because of this, Miyeon felt that she had to outdo Siyeon to be noticed. Even though the sisters are now in different companies, Miyeon still feels that she has to do better than anyone else around her if she wants to be on top. If Miyeon feels other people are "stealing" attention from her, This Means War. She'll fight anyone who she believes to be stealing her thunder relentlessly.
Narrow-minded : Miyeon has a very conservative mindset, and she's not going to change it. Don't try to argue with her or tell her how to think, she won't listen.


Miyeon was born in 2000, with one twin sister, Siyeon. Growing up, while Siyeon was intelligent and a fast learner, Miyeon was not so smart and slow to pick things up. During her childhood, Miyeon had often unintentionally been compared negatively to Siyeon by her parents and relatives, and while Siyeon earned many praises from them, praise towards Miyeon was few and far between. Siyeon was smart, pretty and talented in singing and playing instruments, and as hard as Miyeon tried, she was never able to match up.

In 2008, Siyeon wanted to take part in Pledis Superstar. Not wanting to lose out, Miyeon decided to participate with her sister. Both sisters eventually became Pledis trainees, but while Siyeon shot many CFs and dramas predebut, it seemed that Miyeon was always cast aside for another girl who was prettier or more talented. She just wanted everyone to believe she could be as good as her sister. She tried not to mind that Pledis didn't debut her in After School or Hello Venus, despite the fact she was far too young to debut then. But when Siyeon was chosen to participate in Produce 101 without her, it just hurt Miyeon more. Why couldn't Pledis see that she too was trying her best? When Pristin debuted in 2017 and Siyeon was chosen and Miyeon was not, it angered Miyeon even more.

Finally, in 2017, Miyeon decided to leave Pledis. She knew Siyeon was the princess of Pledis and if she could have dethroned her sister, she would have done so years ago instead of being stuck in the basement for 9 years. Miyeon auditioned for many companies but was constantly told "sorry" or "better luck next time", until she went for an audition for a company called High Rise and was accepted. After just a few months of training at High Rise, Miyeon was chosen to debut in Berri Bell in 2018.


Likes :
French fries
After School
Orange Caramel
Hello Venus
Long sleeved clothes

Dislikes :
Overly cutesy things
y concepts
Being forced to do cute or y concepts
Sweet foods and drinks
Solid food mixed with liquid food (e.g cereal with milk, lava cakes, boba tea, soup noodle dishes)
People who use appeal to get attention instead of putting in effort and hard work
People who do not take what they do seriously
Being underestimated
Bad hygiene
Dirty places
Her rivals being seen to be better than her
Being compared negatively to Siyeon
Attention seekers
Spoilt brats
Wearing revealing clothes

Habits :
Being punctual
Keeping her things organised
Scolding people when they annoy her
Avoiding people
Complaining about constantly coming in second place to Siyeon and being compared negatively to her
Calling people who use appeal to get attention "s"

Hobbies :
Making jigsaw puzzles
Playing candy crush (she is at level 1300+ as of 2020)
Watching K-dramas

Other trivia :
Her shoe size is EUR38-39 / US8 / UK6 / 240mm.
She is one minute older than Siyeon.
When she was young, she bought a box of pepero for Siyeon for their birthday, but misplaced it and only found it after it expired.
She auditioned for High Rise with Kahi's Come Back You Bad Person.
She has a collection of berets in 17 different colours.
She can play the violin and piano.


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Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist ✩ Sato Erika (20) / kind, cheerful, sensitive, shy / 6 out of 10
Miyeon is unfriendly and Erika is shy, so it took time for them to open up to each other. Currently, they get along as normal groupmates, but they aren't the closest, and both are perfectly fine with that. (fc : Rocket Punch's Juri)

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Main Dancer, Lead Rapper ✩ Kyun Hana (21) / sweet, cheerful, outgoing, humorous / 4 out of 10
Similarly to Erika, Hana is intimidated by Miyeon's fierce nature, and the older girl is often a victim of Miyeon shouting at her to shut up or leave her alone, and they aren't very close. (fc : Weki Meki’s Yoojung)


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Twin Sister ✩ Park Siyeon (20) / Trainee (or Pristin member depending on when the story starts) / sweet and cheerful yet strict and blunt / 4 out of 10
Miyeon had often been compared negatively to Siyeon when they were younger, and Siyeon had been more successful than Miyeon ever since they were in Pledis. This made Miyeon resent Siyeon, and want to do anything she could to one-up her twin. However, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and indeed, sometimes, Miyeon does find herself missing her sister. Deep down, Miyeon does love Siyeon, but she'll never explicitly admit it.
*Note : Siyeon is a trainee in another company, not high rise

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Labelmate ✩ Noh Gyeoul (24) / Agate Member / persistent, cocky, manipulative, selfish, perfectionistic / 2 out of 10
Miyeon and Gyeoul have the same cocky, tempermental, stubborn and quarrelsome personality, and they often clash because of this. Plus Miyeon doesn't like Gyeoul using her appeal to get attention and manipulate others, so the older girl dislikes her too. (fc : CLC's Seungyeon)

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labelmate ✩ Im Shion (22) / Ursa Member / you know her better than I do / 8 out of 10
Miyeon relates to Shion sacrificing her youth for her idol dreams, and despite being younger, Miyeon often finds herself showing her caring side that she seldom shows to others by giving Shion support when the older girl needs it, and they've become close because of their shared experiences and supporting each other together. (fc : Red Velvet's Yeri)

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Labelmate ✩ Seo Taeri (19) / High Rise Trainee / spoilt, bratty, playful, crazy, attention-seeking / 4 out of 10
Taeri's playful and spoilt nature is something Miyeon often finds herself annoyed by. Plus the younger girl often upstages Miyeon, and needless to say, Miyeon and Taeri don't get along very well. (fc : Izone's Minju)

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Labelmate ✩ Jessica Seah (28) / Ursa Member / attention-seeking, manipulative, obsessed with her brother / 2 out of 10
Like Jessica, Miyeon wants the spotlight, and for a special someone to notice her. It goes without saying that the two are almost constantly in competition. (fc : Loona's Vivi)


trainee profile

stage name:

miyeon ✩ just her given name, there aren't many idols named miyeon so she decided to stick with it


✩ main vocalist, lead dancer, rapper

talent twins:

vocal and dance ✩ Elris' Sohee
rap ✩ Loona's Heejin


2008-2017 ✩ Backup dancer for After School, Hello Venus and G.NA

idol history:

Miyeon was stuck in Pledis' basement for 9 years without even being considered for debut, and decided to find a new company instead of letting her time in Pledis reach and even pass the 10-year mark. She was lucky High Rise valued her experience and chose her to be in a group right after she auditioned. However, for the first few comebacks, Berri Bell was stuck doing cute concepts that were not getting much attention, and overshadowed by many other groups doing the same concept, and Miyeon was unhappy with the concept as well as not getting attention. Berri Bell has since decided to go for more mature concepts, something Miyeon is happy with. But will it get her the attention she wants?

trainee / idol life:

Miyeon trained at Pledis from 2008 to 2017 and High Rise Entertainment from 2017 to 2018.

Everytime Miyeon saw girls being chosen to be part of a group, her heart sank a little. Sure, she was only 9 when After School debuted and 12 when Hello Venus debuted, but she had put in hard work training. It didn't help that Siyeon managed to rack up experience in CFs and dramas, making Miyeon wonder what was it about her sister that she lacked. In 2015, when Siyeon was chosen as one of the representatives for Produce 101 and when Pristin debuted in 2017 and Miyeon did not make it to the lineup, she almost broke. It hurt to see her sister doing so well and earning praises from everyone, while it seemed nobody loved her.

Realising that Pledis would never let her be as good as her sister, Miyeon decided to leave the company in 2018, and later was accepted to High Rise Entertainment, where she was chosen to be part of the girl group Berri Bell. At first, she was happy, but when the group got less attention than other groups, Miyeon's inferiority complex got to her again. Hopefully the concept change for Berri Bell will get Miyeon the love she wants and the assurance that she is as good as, or even better than Siyeon.

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

i love myself

i'm shining solo


✩ nil


✩ Miyeon has been training for 10 years and now that she has finally debuted, she wants to give her all into being an idol. Furthermore, having been in the industry for so many years, she's seen too many cases of idols getting attacked by fans and even their careers ending just because they were dating someone, and she doesn't want that to happen to her.

STATUS: Single
ENDING: She either remained single for the rest of her life, or got attached and later married to someone outside the industry once she completed her idol contract.


nigairemon ✩ akira

LAST COMMENT: I thought Miyeon's story would be an interesting one to tell for High Rise and I hope you like her!


✩ Songs I think suit well for Berri Bell's new concept would be Cherry Bullet's Hands Up, Gugudan's The Boots and Not That Type, CLC's Devil and Black Dress, ITZY's Dalla Dalla and Icy and Elris' Jackpot.

✩ I would also like to see inter-group single collabs with one to a few members of each group featuring on a single.

PASSWORD: Rui En is damn hot and I would die for her



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hi, i'm trying my best to finish my trainee for high rise in time, do you want to do a quick collab if you have time? we can just write first impressions or something since there's not much time and yue will be new anyway
busans #2
i'm applying with a member of berri bell too! collab?! ;)
I think Youngae and Taeri would fit best as friends, Miyeon's too jealous and bitter and Hwari would act like a mom in Youngae's eyes.