THAT Way >
Kan Eunhui
South Korean
Onda (Everglow)
Nakyung (fromis)
appearance and style
Oversized t-shirts, and blouses, and sweaters, snapbacks and bucket hats, pants that fit the shape of her legs perfectly, these are a few of Eunhui's favorite things. It's not uncommon to see Eunhui with a shirt hanging off her shoulder, not out of style, but from being too large.
More important than her oversized style is her perpetual aura of confidence and being up to something. Call it being mischevious, but thats the wort of smiles and laughs you get from Eunhui. Even when she is perfectly innocent, you just get the feeling at any moment she might spring something on you and then SURPRISE. Akin to a rambunctious cat really.
"So what you're saying is...I need to eat more and gain weight to fit my clothes better!"
"Eunhui, no!"
- And exchange after debut between Eunhui and their manager.
 #163cm #48kg
- Eunhui when she is late and being dramatic.
And in swans Eunhui with a flourish and broad, ear to ear grin. You can never accuse Eunhui of being quiet or shy. EVER. When Eunhui enters a room, her presence is made known immediately either by the unabashed confidence she exudes or by the sheer volume of her voice. Maybe it's the folly or inexperience of youth that gives her the "can't nobody hold me down!" Regardless, it's enough to leave a lasting impression. Whether or not that impression is positive or of an obnoxious loud mouth is up to the viewer.
The first to greet you and probably the first to notice you leaving, Eunhui is a social and friendly sort. She has no problems talking to anyone about anything. She could talk about n empty space and just go on and on about the random assortment of spots just ot make conversation. Dear lord, can this girl just hush up for a moment...? BUT NO. Silence isn't golden damnit. If she doesn't agree with you, she is going to say it and you'll deal with it beause THAT is how Eunhui is. Eunhui won't stab you in the back: she's going for your face without any mercy. Sometimes it's hard to rein in her fire, and sometimes that means calling someone an to their face. Temperence? Eunhui doesn't know her.
With her confidence comes something else: the tendency to speak first, ask questions later. Eunhui is a creature of emotion and reactions: she doesn't have time to worry bout how she'll plan out her next steps. A girl has got to act and has got to act right now. Actions speak louder than any words to Eunhui, so she has to back up her loud words with bigger actions. She emotes and animates with the biggest of flourishes! Watch out, she might inadvertently smack you when she throws her arms out for emphasis! ("Gotta move fast, my man! But sorry about your face!")
Yet, yet, yet...Eunhui is surprisingly self-aware. Her loudness, her outgoing and exuberant nature? Beneath that is someone still so insecure about where she belongs. Someone so scared of what she was and could become if she falters even a little. Someone who has enough insight to see the problematics of her past and the promise of her future. But Eunhui, despite her bravado, is a coward who must keep running away from her past lest people see her for what she is deep down: a scared little girl clinging to the fragile connections she is despearate to make in the world.
#Confident #gregarious #Assertive #Belligerant #Reactive #Vivacious #Regretful #haunted #Adventurous
pre-debut history
"I wish my child would have talked ot me more back then. But now we have to keep moving forward. "
- Eunhui' mother, Kim Hyeyeon
Life was never easy for Eunhui from as far back as she can remember. Her father ran off or vanished a long time ago, her mother was always perpetually sad, and the only person who stayed constant in her life was her grandmother from her father's side.
That's to say, Eunhui had very little supervision or reinforcement at home. They were on the poorer side of life, so her mother worked long hours, and her grandmother could barely keep up with a child throwing tantrums and begging for attention of some sort from anyone. It was no one's fault except circumstance honestly. As much as her mother wanted to be there, she was battling her own demons while trying to make sure her child was cared for. It's something the older, more mature, and wiser Eunhui knows now and appreciates the hell out of. However, young Eunhui, the impressionable one who only wanted acceptance and somewhere to belong, just felt alone.
Loneliness brews not the most ideal of things in Eunhui. She is too eager to make friends and go along with her peers. At just 12 years old, Eunhui is running around with girls known for bullying and being over jerks to everyone in their class. Even though eunhui knows its wrong, she would rather be accepted by them as one of their own and go along with the terroizing than to be o nthe receiving end of it.To be clear, Eunhui never directly participated...but he also watched and didn't stop it or tell someone. Hindsight, this is just as bad but to a sad pre-teen, this felt like the right decision. 
She's almost 14 when the event occurs that turned her life around. A new student was at their school, Kim Seoyeon, and the group of girls had found their new victim. It was bad mostly because Seoyeon never seemed to retaliate or grow angry. The other girls started turning on Eunhui next, stating she wasn't helping and what good was she. In a panic, worried they'd turn on her fully, during a moment when the other girls were around Seoyeon, Eunhui grabbed a pair of scissors and cut one of the girl's long braids.
Seoyeon finally broke down crying after that and ended up transferring schools.
Eunhui's mother found out about the incident once Eunhui came home and told her about it, crying herself. Distraught and blaming herself for this, her mother found a new job in Seoul and they moved, Eunhui starting fresh in a new school. Despite how bad it was, the incident was swept under the rug and kept quiet, and Eunhui and her mother both decided: never again. Mobing to Seoul was a fresh start for Eunhui.
That when her mother enrolled her in ballet and other dance classes. With dance came a new confidence in herself that she lacked in her old life. Eunhui would not be the meek girl who let the "Bad guys" win anymore. This new zeal and confidence, along with the support of her mother and grandmother, enabled Eunhui to audition for entertainment companies.
All the while, Eunhui, despite her happy face, fears someone will remember the girl she used to be holding a cut braid and scissors.
"I wish I could go back, smack the out of myself and those girls, and not do it. But I did. And karma is a ..."
- Eunhui when discussing the incident later in life.
idol history
When Berri Bell debuted, a lot of people were surprised that Eunhui made the cut. She was always more of a hip hop dancer and didn't exactly have the image around the company as being a wholesome, sweet girl as it were. And yet, when Berri Bell debuted, Eunhui transitioned into the cutesy, innocent style almost seamlessly from the moment her promo picture was released. Eunhui did well in the innocent, girly concept. If anything, Eunhui was known for her versatility. So even if she tended to fly under the radar and went mostly unnoticed, she didn't stick out like a sore thumb compared to some of her other members or trainees.
She's not always the most noticed with vocals, but also not the most front and center with dance on their debut. Although she is one of the better dancers, she isn't marketed as much in the beginning. Sometimes, she seems like she's just filler for the padded roster, but then with their dances becoming more complex with their girl crush concepts, Eunhui is finding she's going more and more center when it's time to show off those moves. This was fine. Again, Eunhui is versatile and molds herself well to the concepts given to her.
Outside of the music, Eunhui is developing a name for herself in the speaking space. At their concerts and variety, she often takes a more central position as group representative. This was always something she tended to do even with their girly, innocent concept, but with a rise in popularity people are starting to notice. She's always had a small, but very loyal fanbase amongst the Berri Bell members: the concept change is just a reason for them to say "We TOLD you so!"
She may still not get the most lines, but with adapting to the concept better than some of her groupmmates has and she's getting attention for this. Eunhui at first basks in this. She loves the attention and the opportunity it affords her now. 
**some ideas for future releases: maybe start with Loona Favorite > So What  to transition into full on girl crush**
idol life
Was idol life everything she dreamed? No way! Though to be fair, Eunhui is mostly just happy to be here. She's not always the most noticed with vocals, but also not the most front and center with dance. Although she is one of the better dancers, she isn't marketed as much in the beginning. Some of Berri Bell's fans speculated she was added to the group to pad it out to keep the numbers odd/even. She doesn't have the biggest fanbase really, but her smaller fanbase is loyal and they are some of the least toxic ones Her vocals are decent and her dancing good: they like to point out that she is a solid member even if she isn't given opportunity to shine.
Idol life isn't terribly diffocult for Eunhui at this time. She still gets to perform and entertain, which is all she really wants. She is also less scrutinized, so she is able to be herself more often than not. 
However, her versatility and not standing out during Berri Bell's initial concept may have saved her when they switch it to the girl crush. For lack of better words, Eunhui CRUSHES girl crush. Her more hip hop style of dancing can stand more center. She is gettig noticed, and it's exactly what she wanted.
Or so she thinks. You can't run forever. Eventually with visibility comes those who would like to tear her down again. Who can stand to see someone be successful who was once this meek thing taking orders and holding a cut braid in her hands? Not when they are suffering from strings of bad luck and poor decisions. Surely they won't just stay quiet and let their meek mouse get away so easily...right?
The scandal that hits once Berri Bell starts finding some success is surprising to everyone but Eunhui. At first she's numb. She can't deny it because that would be a lie. But it;s NOT what they are saying it is. Yes, she cut the hair, but she is not the ringleader nor did she have the other girls under her thumb. 
Eunhui, instead of running from a past and trying to forget it and the weak girl she once was, now has to face it head on, and accept the rammifications to herself and those around her.
idol/trainee profile
Main/Lead Dancer, vocalist
Yves (Loona) - postion dependent on other members. Could be a stronger vocal postion if others are weaker, and so on.
2 1/2 years at HRE
group members
Kim Yuran | FC: Jiho (Oh My Girl) | ** |  "Oh leader-nim, oh leader-nim, your face is so very pretty~"
Oh how Yuran sometimes wishes Eunhui would just SHUT UP. Seeing the pair next to each other is literally ice and fire. Yuran is their stone face leader. Eunhui is the feisty kid probably making their leader continually question her life choices if not how to smother Eunhui in her sleep. But Eunhui doesn't dislike Yuran by any means. They may not get along, she might annoy their leader, but Eunhui does respect that Yuran is their elder and their leader. Now, if she only understood volume control for the sake of their leader-nim's sanity. Please.
Wi Jungyoon | FC: Chaeryeong (ITZY) | 19 | Her best friend and person Eunhui cares about the most outside of her family. And maybe more. *see more in the LI section!*
Kim Seoyeon | FC: Rachel (April) | 19 | HRE Trainee | Kind, Hard Working, Expressive, Compassionate, Sensitive, Pushover | A fellow trainee and former Berri Bell potential member. Seoyeon has only been a trainee for about 6 months before Berri Bell's debut. She showed great potential as a vocalist and she almost debuted with Berri Bell, but her stage presence is still lacking and she is working to improve upon it. She is a darling to the trainers and quit a few of the employees and other trainees.
Eunhui recognizes Seoyeon immediately, though Seoyeon doesn't seem to indicate if she knows that Eunhui was the one who cut her hair or not. She says, all too kindly, "I know you used to be with those mean girls, but you're nice now! I hope we can debut together one day!" Eunhui doesn't know what she will do if she ever decides to confront her about the past, so she tends to be awkward with Seoyeon and tries her best to avoid her without being too conspicuous.
☆ At best, Eunhui's English is endearingly bad. She mostly just likes to learn phrases and shout them randomly. But she's very earnest!
☆ Her mother is so deaf to kpop it's a running gag in her home to see if she ever recognizes anyone from any events or pictures Eunhui brings her.
☆ She sleeps with a giant stuffed blue fish named...Blue. She's not the most creative. Her mom gave it to her before she started training and it's her comfort.
☆ She sings about the actions her fellow members are taking when they're in the dorm. For example, "Jungyoonie~ Stirring the pot~ When will her ramen be ready~"
☆ She calls Jungyoon "공무 (gong mu)" in her phone and sometimes out loud. It's a mix of shaman and princess. 
☆ Eunhui gives people nicknames all the time. No one in her contacts is ever named their actual names.
☆ Please feed her anything seafood. Eunhui LOVES seafood. 
love interest
Wi Jungyoon
Berri Bell

Eunhui's shamanic princess and ray of moonlight~

(click the pic for collab with lowcation!)

love story
Eunhui was a trainee for about 6 months before Jungyoon arrived. There was something ethereal or unreal about the girl that drew Eunhui in immediately...and the fact that Eunhui is always the first to say, "HI! WELCOME!" to the newcomers. After her loud welcome, she was pleasantly surprised to find Jungyoon very receptive and actually...liking her loudness? Who was this ray of moonlight and how does Eunhui make her life about her?
Soon enough, they are attached at the hip. Where there is Jungyoon, you can bet Eunhui is not that far behind. Jungyoon has this goodness about her that Eunhui feels good to be around. They are so comfortable in the other's presense that you might think they'd been raised together. They just GET IT when together. 
For Eunhui, she'd come to terms with her romantic interests after the bullying incident years ago. It was part of her healing to come to terms with the fact that she in finds herself attracted to other women. Despite this, Eunhui also is realistic enough to know she's not in a world she can broadcast this, so she has resigned herself to silence for the time being.
So not too long after Berri Bell's debut Eunhui knows the truth of her feelings towards Jungyoon. However, she is willing to keep silent about it if it means keeping Jungyoon close. If she can't be loved by Jungyoon romantically, she is happy with platonic love too. The open affection she shows Jungyoon is so plainly obvious to anyone who cares to actually look and see it. But Jungyoon doesn't feel the same for Eunhui...and Eunhui is okay with this. She'll support and take care of Jungyoon as long as she is able to even if it breaks her heart a little to think of Jungyoon turning a gaze to anyone else.
It seems like it's fine this way...and then, scandal. Her past finally is catching up to her. Eunhui finds she has to run again. She nevr denies the accusations, though they are embellished to her being the ringleader of the bullying incident. Bu Eunhui runs and turns inwards from people. She shuts them out as she fights her way through this. And this includes Jungyoon. How could Jungyoon ever see her the same again? Or how could Eunhui ever dare to think and dream of a possibility of a happy ending?
So after it's all over or maybe even during the end of it, Eunhui has a moment of clarity. She can't run from it forever. It'll catch up to her just like her past eventually. So, one night, when they're alone:
"I like you. the romantic way." 
With Jungyoon's silence and stunned face, Eunhui balthers on and on.
"It's okay! Even if you're grossed out by it, it's still nice to know someone loves you right? Right? Um, maybe not. I don't know. Let's not be awkward. I can stop the skinship if you need me to. Oh no, I've gone and messed it all up right? Right?"
And then Jungyoon simply tells her she likes her too. 
Maybe they can have a happy ending afterall?
Starting over is never easy; but for Kan Eunhui it was a neccessity for herself and her family. Tragedy and bad choices are left behind as she has no choice but to run forward and not look back.
Running towards the entertainment industry was her salvation and escape, but all around her are rules, do this, don't do that, be this, be that. 
She wants to be herself. She wants to be honest with the fans, her friends, her loves, but Eunhui finds she has to keep running not only to keep up with the people and industry all around her...but also to stay those precious few steps ahead of ghosts that won't stop haunting her. 
Kan Eunhui

Berri Bell






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Hello! I'm creating a XX member and wanted to maybe include Woong as well if that is possible?
Hi I have a trainee and a Berri Bell member, could we collab?
damn i love woong (and hangyul omg)
and would you like to collab? :D
since woong is a dancer...i could see him being a backup dancer for my boy jeonguk's solo work!
(ofc only if you want too, dont want to mess up any planning you have c:)
Hangyul yes!!!
Damn, this is pretty
Damn, this is pretty
i'm actually shedding tears as of now