민해령 / 21 / 고민 중...
with the brains, brawns and even feline-like beauty, min haeryeong leaves a lasting impression with her charismatic presence. everyone wanted to be her. they envied her. they...pitied her as her dream crumbled down in mere seconds. min haeryeong thought her life was over until a certain bird came to bear news: it's only the beginning. a new start.
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min haeryeong

november 11th / 21

college student, sport science major

lee saerom of fromis_9
(shin ryujin of itzy)

despite being classified as a "jock", haeryeong's style is a little bit on the feminine side but still has the sporty elementshe still wears dresses (although not often), skirts, doesn't shy away from the colour pink and puts on natural vibe make up once in a while.

 blog / dear,______ / about me                   ❐ X
90% brains,
beauty &

10% spice.
min haeryeong is like a cold flame. she burns brightly, able to turn heads with her confidence and her charismatic presence in a calm and cool way. haeryeong lives with her flaws and shortcomings and doesn't try to impress others. a natural born leader, she listens and takes in opinions of others; always trying to keep promises she's made and is dependable when you're in a pinch. haeryeong is independent and is bound by her own rules. she won't break rules made by others unless it doesn't seem fitting in her eyes or it leaves a suffocating feeling. 
haeryeong is a girl of few words and is quite reserved but the little words she uttered? she means every word of it and it holds much weight that many will find that what she says seems to be always right. although she can come off a little blunt, her honest opinions are never let out impulsively. she hates beating around the bush.
no one can deny how haeryeong does everything with passion. she doesn't go all loud and does exaggerated gestures but you'd see the fire in her eyes and the excited voice when she speaks especially if she's doing the things she likes and interest her. she's also fairly competitive in both sports and her studies. once she's in her competitive mode, no one can stop her until she gets her goal: winning.
tags: ⌦ charismatic ⌦ cooly confident ⌦ passionate ⌦ competitive ⌦ blunt ⌦ taciturn ⌦ rebellious ⌦ risk-taker ⌦ ravendor ⌦ the commander
everyone remembers how haeryeong led her highschool basketball team to win the nationals. they remember how she was approached by scouts to train under one of the national women's basketball team. they remember her spectacular debut in yongin samsung blueminx and how after two years, she was forced to leave the basketball scene.
min haeryeong was born to min daeyong and yang mijoo in 1998 in seoul. her father was a national basketball player while her mother was a manager of the team he was in. ever since a child, she was surrounded by people who loved the sport. and as if it runs in her dna, haeryeong had the talent and passion in basketball.
she was blessed that nothing stopped her from pursuing her passion. her family's financial was more than enough, her parents supported her and she felt like she had all the time in the world to just play basketball.
she was considered a miracle or the basketball fairy as she brought victory for the first after a very, very long while to her high school's team at her freshman year. the following year, she was made captain and they continued to win matches even the national one in which she was then scouted by one of the teams from korea women's basketball league, yongin samsung blueminx, at age nineteen. her time spent in the team was a dream come true and it was definitely the start of her career as a basketball player.
but...everything fell apart the moment she got involved in a car accident. (you can start her story from here!)
it was supposed to be a high school reunion trip with her group of closest friends. plus, it was one of the rare moments that she got a few days off practice and enjoy a day out. but she never really did get to enjoy it. due to a sleepy truck driver veering off its lane, the car she was in crashed as they tried to avoid the truck.
haeryeong and her friends were rushed to the hospital. fortunately, they all managed to survive even as one of them (the one driving) had fallen into a coma but woke up a few days later. unfortunately, haeryeong's legs received severe injuries that the doctor advised her to take the time off from the sport. 
and this is where her story truly starts. (continued in character development!)
백준회, 21, bestfriend, basketball player
here's someone who'll be there for haeryeong through thick and thin. baek junhui is always the first person to have her back when she needs it. they first met in an annual middle school basketball competition where both were impressed by each other's talent. junhui, being a much more outgoing person, had approached her first. they became acquianted and after a second meeting at the competition on their third year of middle school, they began to hit it off and became close friends.
fatefully, they went to the same high school and has been inseparable since then. both became captain of their school's basketball club and was rumoured to be a couple. truth be told, haeryeong had the teeny mini crush on him in middle school but she outgrew it as she cherish him like an older brother. junhui, too, only sees her as a sister--especially since he harbors feelings for another girl in their group of friends. their relationship is strictly platonic but touch either of them and the other will be out to get you.
baek junhui is currently a full-time basketball player of seoul sk knights and had been scouted even before haeryeong (at age 18). he aims (haeryeong did too) to enter the national basketball team for world cup but after the accident, he hesitates as he felt bad for haeryeong for being the only one able to continue their dream.
박유비, 21, bestfriend, university  
sweet, gentle and considerate park yoobi is everything haeryeong is not (at least that's what she thinks). and she can see how junhui fell for this bubbly girl. they first met as classmate in their 2nd year of high school. she was seatmates with junhui and naturally, she entered the duo's relationship. they were almost opposites but compliments each other. in no time, haeryeong and yoobi became close-knitted--probably even closer than haeryeong is to junhui.
haeryeong protects the naive yoobi from ill-intended boys and yoobi is haeryeong's emotion detector--she knows if something's wrong and feels what she feels--yoobi has even cried in haeryeong's stead. if anything, they were probably soulmates.
currently, yoobi's in architecture major in the same university as haeryeong. 
박유빈, 22, cls friends, university student 
yoobi's older brother, park yoobin shares haeryeong's risk-taking trait and is known to always take light of things even when the situation's serious. he's also known to be quite a casanova to which the group of friends sigh and shake their heads when he introduced a new girlfriend after one month or two.
on the other hand, there are times where he pops up when haeryeong is down (almost always) and he shows a surprisingly mature side of him. ...honestly, haeryeong (even yoobi) can't really figure him out. the group of friends are used to his presence and despite him having another set of bestfriends of the same age, he's often seen with them.
park yoobin is currently in the same uni as yoobi, haeryeong and jungkook. he's jungkook's senior in communications. he was the one driving the car and went into a coma for a few days. yoobin harbors feelings for haeryeong.
노규리, 28, physician
in charge,
no gyuri is the physician in charge of haeryeong. she has treated haeryeong for other cases when haeryeong had sprains and light injuries prior to the accident thus, they're quite close. a hard-working and empathetic individual despite quite strict on her patient's conditions. to jungkook, she's a responsible and motherly type of sister to make up for how he was treated by their mother. she holds a soft spot for both haeryeong and jungkook and wished only the best for them. 
 character development         ❐ X
HAERYEONG, at the beginning of the story, will struggle to accept the fact that she couldn't play the sport she's dedicated herself to all her life. although there's a chance of recovery, it'll be somewhat dangerous for her to keep playing basketball. her confidence plummets as she's in a wheelchair and in the process of recovery.

haeryeong would recklessly try to get into basketball again the moment she can finally walk. but realize she can't play like she normally could and even if she can play, she'd risk damaging her legs even more.

so, with the help of her family, friends and particularly, her love interest, she'd finally accept her fate and learns that there are more things to life.

JUNGKOOK, despite knowing what he likes (making videos, doing photography etc), he's still lost in what he should do about it. he was still monitored by his mother and felt the urgency to quickly prove to her that his dream isn't merely a dream.

thus, as he hung out with haeryeong, he'd be more confident and starts to show his mother his real feelings about everything.

the end of his development will be a more bolder jungkook, much more realistic and much more forward with his feelings.
 lifestyle & trivia            ❐ X
LIFESTYLE haeryeong's lifestyle has turned 180 degrees. she'd wake up in her hospital room and shut her eyes again, hoping everything was a dream. then she'd eat the breakfast her mother prepared for her before she starts her excruciating recovery routine (walking exercise etc).

she'll take a breather in her wheelchair at the hospital rooftop garden and watched basketball matches from an ipad while the wind tempts her to sleep--in which sometimes she will.

she'll wake up with jungkook sitting beside her, drawing the city landscape infront of them. they'd banter for quite a while before jungkook relents and stuffed an earphone to her ear. they'd listen to the music together before she had to go and do another set of recovery routine.

the night consist of yubi spending the night or the squad makes a video call. she'd end the day watching jungkook's videos in youtube and turned the lights off around 11.00.

she's taken the semester off and will probably resume after she's recovered. after a few weeks, she'll probably head to the hospital from her house.

LIKES potatoes, chicken feet, cheese, citrus flavours, rnb, pop-rock, basketball, volleyball, big dogs, short-pelted cats, soft neutral colours, tba+

DISLIKES hard rock music, eggplants, cheesecake, lies, coffee without milk, neon colours, scratchy fabrics, tba+

HOBBIES talking walks, watching crimes or doctor dramas, playing basketball, watching basketball matches, playing puzzle games like AXIOM, tba+

HABITS doing things she's told not to do, agrees to everything when she's in a happy mood, sulks for half an hour after she lost a game, tba+

BICYCLE she can't ride a bike since she fell off one with her dad and it left a scar of her forehead. she's a little traumatized by it.

EARS her ears ar the first to go red when she's embarrassed or mad.

CAPTAIN she was captain of her high school team and the nickname still stuck until now.

AMBIDEXTEROUS naturally. she's usually seen eating with her right hand and writing with her left. she's very flexible when shooting in basketball but her left is stronger as she trained it to her advantage.

POSITION in blueminx, haeryeong is shooting guard (sg) with jersey number 5.

BRAINS she's known to be top 5 in her class and placed 2nd in high school.

전정국 / 21
a caged birdwas what he compared himself to. heads always in the clouds, he let himself be groomed as a perfect son and convinced himself it was what he should be. but jeon jungkook knows he's something else entirely, especially after he met another caged bird, min haeryeong. (scroll down)
NAME jeon jungkook
AGE 21
september 1st, 1998
university student,
communications major

jeon jungkook of bts
(kim jungwoo of nct)

jungkook's curly-long-hair era!! 
ㅡ oh?
 about jeon jungkook      ❐ X
PERSONALITY highly intuitive, jungkook has this wide radar of being able to feel things. he rarely rationalize his feelings and although not often vocally voiced out, his inner feelings are portrayed in forms of creative poems, pictures and others. his choices are driven instinctively and eventhough he's presumed as impulsive, he hasn't really regretted any of his decisions. except one--following his mother to the uk.
an idealist through and through, he tries to see the good in everything. and sees hope in darker days. he is very dedicated to his passion and doesn't give up until he achieves his goal be it that he has to go through a storm. while being dedicated has its perks, jungkook can often forget the practical matters like eating and may even purposefully skip it. this will also happen when his head is in the clouds and his creative switch takes over.

jungkook, being attached to his feelings, is prone to take things personal and becomes self-concious. he mostly tend to avoid conflicts as much as possible but won't run away if forced to face it. 

tags: ⌦ intuitive ⌦ idealistic ⌦ dedicated  ⌦ impractical ⌦ sensitive ⌦ private ⌦ ravenpuff ⌦ the mediator

BACKGROUND jeon jungkook has lived quite a life. his parents went into a divorce when he was nine and his mother brought him to the uk while his older sister stayed with their father. 

although, he soon began to feel neglected as his mother remarried to a rich korean who was expanding his family business in the uk. he was expected to be all the things he can't be. his school grades were monitored, he was enrolled in a tennis club and he put on fake smiles in his parents' parties. 

as he turned eighteen, he left to move back to seoul and applied to university in seoul. he contacted his older sister and now lives with her. but his mother is still hot on his trail and if he couldn't find the means to be successfull, he was back on the plane to uk.
LIFESTYLE jungkook is the type to go with the flow, thus he doesn't really have a fixed schedule of his day except for lectures. 

he'd wake up around two hours before his 8 o'clock morning classes. usually, he'd laze around his bed for ten minutes before he moves to clean himself. he'd then eat breakfast with gyuri and they'd proceed to start their busy days--gyuri dropping him off in front of the university.

the rest of the day will consist of taking classes, editing videos, doing broadcasting club activities or going around taking photographs. he'll visit haeryeong despite her telling him he didn't need to.

afterwards, he'll head off to his part-time job at a cafe at around 7 PM until 11 PM. he usually heads to bed around 1 AM.

in the weekends, he'll normally borrow his sister's car and take a drive out the city to make videos + take a breather. if there are art exhibition, he'll book a ticket to attend.

cinematic movies and animations movies, pomeranian, fall and winter, apples, art, mono-chromatic colours, tba+

DISLIKES fighting, bitter flavours, giving up, reptiles, tba+

HOBBIES making videos, taking photographs, late night/a drive, sketching, tba+

HABITS bites a side of his bottom lips when concentrating, doodling on his hand, tba+

VIDEOGRAPHY and photography has been his interest since he was a child. his birth father was a rookie-director who works a lot with camera thus, it sort of affected jungkook.

BIRTHNAME his birthname was no jungkook but as he went with his mother after divorce and then she remarried, his name changed to jeon jungkook. thus, the difference between his and his sister's name.

FATHER his birth father works as a variety show director and is also married to another woman now thus, why gyuri lives alone and why jungkook contacted her. jungkook's feelings toward his father is neutral. once a month, they'd sometimes eat dinner together (jungkook, gyuri and their father).

POCKET MONEY his mother sends him pocket money once in a while but jungkook refuse to use unless he's desperate.

FRIENDS at the moment, his closest friend is yeon baram who he met at his major's orientation and park yoobin, his sunbae and fellow broadcasting club member.

 blog / dear,______ / love fiction               ❐ X
birds of
a feather,
we are.
i. first meeting
he saw what basketball meant to her. the fire in her eyes, every ounce of her energy in her steps and dribbles, the smile on her face even as an opponent knocked her down to the gleaming court. and he couldn't help how his fingers unconciously busied itself with his camera, catching every passionate moment of the star.
"you're this close of being classified as a stalker," park yoobin commented when jungkook's camera clicks non-stop. 

they were both covering the university's basketball friendly match and it was jungkook's first time watching a certain haeryeong play in the university's team. haeryeong's magic was working on jungkook. yoobin realized his soft gaze fixated on the girl and felt his blood boil. but, god knows what came over him, he said,"let's interview her afterwards. i'll introduce her to you."
ii. migrating hearts
everything he says felt like it came out of a fiction novel. she didn't like how people beats around the bush, but how could he express everything in such a beautiful phrase? she'd say she's extremely happy. he'd say he's in euphoria. she'd see a crescent moon. he'd see that the night sky was smiling down on him.
min haeryeong doesn't like flattery.
"here," he shoved a printed photograph of her in the basketball court. her hair all over the place, her skin gleaming with sweat and her uniform sticking to her like a second skin. it was taken as she seemed to be order around her teammates, finding a hole in the defense.
she asked why he took a photo of her looking like sh!t but jungkook frowned. "but it's the photo where you shone most. plus, can't you see this smile?"
haeryeong realize how good he was spotting even one good thing in a group of bad things.
"it's pretty."
min haeryeong doesn't like flattery but it seems her heart says otherwise.
iii. caged birds
haeryeong couldn't run. not when she still couldn't get used to her wheelchair. but she also can't phantom why she'd want to run. from jeon jungkook out of all people. they faced each other in the hospital hall. no words being exchanged.
but they don't need words.
their eyes were conversing. one caged bird to another.
tl;dr their story is basically about them finding dreams. haeryeong finding a new dream, while jungkook finally finding one because of haeryeong. it's also about them breaking free from their cages: haeryeong from her obsession with basketball and fear of never being able to play like she used to; jungkook from the grasp of his mother.
iv. the end?
their ending will of course be them finding another means to live to the fullest. haeryeong will probably be a manager of the uni's basketball team and dreams to be a physician particularly for athletes (like gyuri) while jungkook being a rookie director, most probably a movie or a documentary. 
the ending for their love story? i'll leave it up to you :)
 blog / dear,______ / q&a               ❐ X
WHO LIKED WHO FIRST? jungkook, undeniably. it may be love at first sight but he fell for her passion, her drive to say the truth even if it'll hurt and her unexpected softness towards her loved ones.  
DID ANY PROBLEMS OCCUR IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND WERE THEY ABLE TO OVERCOME THEM? the biggest problem is of course, haeryeong's slump in which they'll try to overcome it together with the others. another problem might be park yoobin. he'll play the love rival and at the same time jungkook's wingman the moment he realized jungkook's a much better person for haeryeong. he'll also confuse haeryeong before she ultimately figures out her feelings.
HOW HAS THEIR RELATIONSHIP AFFECTED THEM? jungkook taught haeryeong there are much more to life and that hope will always still be there. on the other hand, haeryeong anchors jungkook to the ground and helps him find a much realistic dream.
 author's comments             ❐ X
COMMENT  heavily inspired by bts' highlight reel! okay, so basically i kinda made haeryeong the golden girl instead of jungkook being the golden boy :))  i'll also probably add haeryeong's normal lifestyle later on if you need it! i'll also add more to the love story because i didn't included more of the love rivalry yet :( 



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just a quick question, is haeryeong 21 or 22?
scroll horizontal on:
...the video-like parts
...jungkook's personality!

hover on pictures for faceclaims in the relationship section!